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Image Comments posted by jurak


    Great perspective. I love to see Jasper photographed in a different and unique way. This is a great example of that. I can't recall ever seeing the Athabasca like this. Beautiful!



    Brett, it's in the minus thirties in Jasper this week. We've had a ton of snow early in the year.


    The fall here was horrible, it was like a prolonged summer. Winter came with a vengeance a few weeks ago and hasn't let up.


    Makes for great shots.


    All the best,



    Thunder Falls


    Wonderful image. It has everything going for it. Composition. Light. Movement.


    What I love most about this image is that it is so unique. I see so many cliched and unimaginative images. This stands out because it is so different.


    The icing on the cake is the light. So many would be satisfied to photograph this whatever the light and be happy with the result. There is no substitute for early/late day light, the colours, the textures, the modeling.


    Well done.

    Timeless Shore


    Nice as always Marc.


    Where the graduated ND has overly darkened the cliff, the detail seems incongruous with the rest of the shot. Just a minor thing. Otherwise, magical.

  1. Brett, this shot had me puzzled for the longest time. It looked familiar but I couldn't place it.


    Now I know exactly where it is. That's a bit of a walk from the highway.


    Did you notice the wolf tracks all up and down the river? I saw wolf about three miles from there last weekend. They travel up and down the highway and river bed during the winter.



    The Gift


    Beautiful image.


    What hurts this photo is how the slope on the right darkens towards the top. This gives it an unnatural look. It looks like it was over burned or too strong a gradualted ND filter was used. ??? Does that make sense?


    Otherwise, awesome shot.

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