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Posts posted by jim_knapp2

  1. thank you for the replies. I didn't see anything that stuck out as different than what I've been doing but I'll keep trying.


    After my first post, I did a search on this forum for "Motor Drive FN", and haven't finished reading those posts yet.


    I also think I will have access to another F1N body tomorrow and another Motor Drive FN within a few days. If I can't figure this one out, I'll swap bodies and winders and see if some combination works.


    I have A1, AE1 program, AE1, and recently purchased EF. Love em all. Gotta get this F1 thing figured out.



  2. Hello, this seems to be the place to find others who appreciate (or is it

    hooked?) on the Canon FD system. I have more FD bodies and lenses than I can

    justify by any sane arguement.


    My problem is with a F1 body with Motor Drive FN. I shoot most of my photos

    using shutter priority. As I understand it, the F1 should shoot shutter

    priority with the Motor Drive attached. My photos come out either underexposed

    or negs so light that the processor cannot print them. Using manual match

    needle or aperture priority the photos come out fine.


    Setting the camera for shutter priority, opening the back while pressing the

    shutter button shows that the aperture goes to f16 or f22 no matter how much

    lite the camera is pointed at. The viewfinder needle moves to what is probably

    the proper aperture. This happens with any lens.


    Camera and motor drive were recently sent for CLA and repair with explanation

    of problem. Was returned with note that nothing was found to repair.


    So, my question is, what the heck am I doing wrong?


    Thank You for any assistance,



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