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Posts posted by photo_nut

  1. thanks bob, I have found the equivalent of the sunpack & bounce from an online photo store so will be having a play as soon as I can.


    I have a few other questions if I may pick your brain...


    Regarding the expo-disk when using flash, are the white balance reading meant to be taken from the main light source (bounced flash) or from the subject pointing back to the camera position?


    If you know...thanks

  2. Hello, Could anyone suggest any off camera flash kit & lighting methods?


    Its a range of clothes that I am having a stab at in a subway so the light is

    less that perfect but still want to retain the urban feel of the without

    blasting all the detail away.


    Around the web so far the flash gun side of things are OK as theres a vast range

    out there, the problem that I have is the off camera side of things:


    the cables that I have seen so far only extend to 50cm which is nothing as the

    shots planned are to be full length with a bit of breathing space all around.


    The wireless option is one worth considering but costs are tight, help appreciated


    My second concern is the lighting angles, front of flash is flat & boring with

    the exception of ringflash so I figured side lighting would be the best way to go??

    Or using the available light & fill-in where necessary


    all comments taken on board



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