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Posts posted by stuartwilliams

  1. Anyone had any experience with this lens?

    I don't want to enter the debate as to which is the best budget prime as there seem to be heaps of threads

    relating to the matter, but has someone used this new, quite attractively specc'ed lens?



  2. Hi all


    My Nikon gear was stolen two days ago from my house which leaves me in a

    precarious position for an up and coming wedding in two weeks. The most

    precarious of all is that it will be my first!

    Furthermore, I live in South Africa where camera rental on the Nikon front is

    virtually non-existent, however, Canon equipment is selectively available.

    Operating on a two body system (more than likely 40D), what two lenses would

    you recommend? I have no idea as to what I can expect from Canon lenses.

    Some suggestions would be great. Thanks.

  3. As a beginner you won't need more than the camera and kit lens for now. First get used to taking pics and playing around before you settle into what you like and what further lenses and equipment you need.

    However, a good bag to protect your camera is eesential.

    Don't stress about humidity difference. Nikon's are built to last. You on the other hand might need some water...

  4. I'm not sure what's going on. Just got a MacBook - 2nd hand from my fiance and

    hardly used by her.

    Bottom of the range...it'll do for now although clearly need RAM upgrade (512MB).

    CS2 telling me it doesn't read NEF! Downloaded the camera raw plug in and tells

    me it doesn't read the plug in either. Aaarrgghh!


    this MacBook is not new. It's still running on OS2.


    ANy thoughts, suggestions? I've downlaoded every update available.

  5. I'm not sure what's going on. Just got a MacBook - 2nd hand from my fiance and

    hardly used by her.

    Bottom of the range...it'll do for now although clearly need RAM upgrade (512MB).

    CS2 telling me it doesn't read NEF! Downloaded the camera raw plug in and tells

    me it doesn't read the plug in either. Aaarrgghh!


    this MacBook is not new. It's still running on OS2.


    ANy thoughts, suggestions? I've downlaoded every update available.

  6. Hi guys


    Does pocket wizard work on the SB 600? If so, how?

    Also, the SU-800, is it more reliable than the built in commander mode of the


    Another one...would it be worth it to just go for the pocket wizards and forget the




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