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Posts posted by deio_z

  1. Hi Sergey,

    Thank you sooo much for this wonderful little helper utility! I had no idea that Hard Links even existed in NTFS! They are so much more useful than .lnk shortcut files, and you are a mighty smart person to come up with this creative way of using NTFS hard links to achieve the purpose of spanning a data backup onto multiple DVDs.

    Anyway, I have a question for you: Is Step 1 necessary, or is it really optional? From what I see, unless I need to exclude some of the files from my backup, I can jump straight to Step 2 to directly split the original folder's content into a set of "disk" folders. Correct? Step 2, much like Step 1, creates its output structure through the use of Hard Links, right? So in theory we should be able to use Step 2 alone without going through Step 1. Isn't this true?


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