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Posts posted by tavo

  1. <p>I'd bring 2 only. 24-105 for almost everything and 50mm 1.8 for all those dimmed church interiors. That's it. Travel lite is my advise.<br>

    Last year I was in Europe and foud how expensive Memory cards are. I went far away from tourist areas with no luck. Spain, France, Italy aprox 2X what you pay in the US. and England, aprox 3X more. I ended up burning DVD's and backing up my laptop to avoid buying those cards.<br>

    Note. In Italy I got several requests from locals asking me that they'd take the picture of me and my wife. Of course this was an attempt to run away with my camera. There are guys looking for specific cameras with "pre-orders" many hotel concierges warn you about this.</p>


  2. <p>So, for example, how social events photographers do to associate for example the name of the person with the file name?. They take the shot of many different people, they look at the file number and then they write down in a notebook the name of the person for later use on a caption etc. Correct? So my question here is.. do they look at the picture number on the camera or how do they do to associate picture with person. I am not trying to rename the files, I am just trying to associate the shot with the person. I am sure this is somthing basic and no brainer for most of you, but I don't know how. I have a 40D and use DPP to download. New on this as you can tell. </p>
  3. <p>Anyone can help on how can I match my picture number to the image file name? Or what is the correct method to assign shots with files. Example, like in the film cameras where the picture number shows on the negative.<br>

    I am sure wedding photographers use this all the time. I am shooting a race with almost 100 participants. I want to keyword the file with their race number so everybody can find their picture on the website by just typing their race number. So when I am taking the shot I want to use the picture number and write down the number of their shirt in a notebook. (the number is in their back and I am shooting their front)<br>

    Or what is the best and easiest way to do this?<br>

    Thank you</p>

  4. <p>Hope you find this helpful. I went to Best buy. I told them I wanted to buy the 5D Mk II (Body only for $2699.99) but that I was going to wait until they mail those 12% discount coupons they mail regulary. They guy went to the manager and later they approved a 10% discount. They really insisted on the care protection program but didn't go for it. They had it in stock. I tried to get discount at other camera places with no luck. I'd love to support my local camera store, but money is money.<br>

    Good luck</p>

  5. Canon 50D advertisments all over this site.

    "Canon 50D can take you there". Whre is there?

    40D?, 50D? Go for 5D MkII? Keep my 20D...Nikon or Canon? Pentax, Hasselblad?... NOOOOOO


    There is in you. The photographer, the mood, the composition, the lighting, the artist, and the passion.. ok, the glass

    helps. All this will take you there. The Body is the least to worry. So, back to create pictures and less time in this


  6. I am beggining to look at my camera bodies as Cellphones or laptops. Meaning, they are disposable and become obsolete every 3-5 years. I am stuck with 3 "backup" bodies which I don't really use. I love them all, but I fell for the megapixel pitch and upgraded my 20D to 30D, then fell for the live view, and upgraded to 40D... now when I decided to stick to my beloved 40D I am leaning towards FF. Just when I was ready to go for 5D, they come with 5D MkII and remove the original 5D from Canon's site... So, now I want a 5D MkII but deep inside of me I know I don't need it,... I can't believe I am a victim of marketing. My shots were better back in my 20D days. I'll stop worrying about techology and focusing on the love for photography. My favorite and most applauded shot was shot with a $9.99 digital camera purchased in a Gas station.
  7. I'd think the above holds true more for Software and gadget companies than for Canon. As a long time Canon user, I

    have never had or heard about any serious problems with my cameras. 10D, 20D, 40D, Camcorders and Point and


    I used to be the first one with the new gadgets, it took me some time and money to learn the lesson. With my

    experience now, I wanted the Iphone, decided to wait for the G3 and waited one month.. then I learn about the G3

    issues and waited for the Google Android.. so now I have been stuck with my good old reliable cellphone.

    When it comes to Canon, I don't see any reason to wait. They have not given us any real issue, probably some

    software bugs that are taken care of with a firmware update.

    We know the most important improvement on the new 5D is the new sensor, (not too interested on the video

    thing...maybe I'will once I try it) I know it is going to work since they gave us the same resolution as last year's 1Ds

    MK III. and the coating or any other difference is just an improvement, and for less money you are getting a way

    better LCD screen that I tested today on a 50D (Sweet!). For the money this is a 1Ds MK III comparable camera

    (except the speed, durability and other extras)

    In my case that I want to move to full frame, I don't see any reason to wait. I trust Canon will give us a superb

    product. I wonder what is going to be my next excuse to "upgrade"

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