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Image Comments posted by jim_barber4





    I keep returning to this image just to drink up its beauty. The composition is absolutely fantastic. I know good fortune plays a part in these types of captures, but good fortune is like good luck; it correlates with hard work and experience. The color, symmetry and crop, are in such lovely harmony, I can hardly find a way to express the visual pleasure in studying this masterpiece. Thank you so much for all of your fine photography.





    You sure get some "interesting" reflective landscapes. This is surreal, except for that red lollipop in the center. It would seem logical to remove it, IMHO.




    Palouse Zen




    You have a marvelous talent, and technical command of the mechanics to create these gorgeous images. I wish, as a service to the learning community out here in cyberspace, that you would in future be more inclusive of the post-processing that you utilize. Filters, PS, HDR software, panos etc. It would be most helpful and appreciated.


    I really cannot add much more to the accolades that these other folks have contributed, as I agree with all the rave reviews. You are definitely in my favorites collection, and I really look forward to more of your work.



    Well, Where to begin?


    This work (the whole collection), is graphically reminiscent of the German Expressionists painters of the 1930s. I dunno as art, it might be closer to illustration. Nevertheless, I friggin love it! You're disturbed in a good way, and Otto Dix would lay down his brushes in your presence.


    How do your models respond to the portrait ''interpretations''?


    Can't wait to see more.

  1. This image is so introspective and serene, it should be required viewing to the entire criminal element in this world (politicians included), surely the hatred and violence would be lessened.


    Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.



    Love the color contrast, and the "potato" rock makes me want to slather it in sour cream...yummy.

    What exposure/aperture did you use with all the filters mentioned?


    Thanks for the continued good work and philosophy!



    Terrific Image; technically competent and imaginatively composed. Excellent cropping and outstanding lighting effects with just the right amount of PP. Did I mention that I like this? :)


    I would like to see this same image with a recently born human baby with the child's head cradled in the old boy's gnarly hands.


    Keep up the beautiful art work.

    Left To Die


    Points well taken Marc and Stephen. I do not want to be disagreeable here at all, it's just that extremism is not helpful in finding solutions to the problems we face in our modern society. It's influencing short-sighted politicians and convincing them to do the right thing, I do this regularly with my congressman, and I encourage all that are of like opinion to do the same. They will listen, particularly if campaign contributions are involved. Business will always behave as opportunists to serve a market (us), that's where individual responsibility comes into play. I apologize to all that might interpret my observations as anti-environmental, I'm not of that opinion at all, far from it to be sure. And for clarification, I was not defending any harvesting of old-growth stands. They are as precious as water resources IMHO.


    On a lighter note. Marc, I would love to see what you would do with Denali...it's my favorite wilderness location on earth.



    Max: very nice. This image has been "anal-ized" to death, so you know that it is successful.

    The thing I find fascinating is the depth and passionate feelings of this photo community. I

    enjoy the discourse and while I might find issue with the more petty-critical opinions, we all

    have our own biases. Had you been Shakespeare submitting a play for review to this crowd, I

    would expect a number of them to insist that you, "get to the point". What they might not see

    is that's exactly what you've done.

    Left To Die


    OK, here comes another view...


    Marc is a very talented photo-artist, on that we can all agree and enjoy his beautiful images. And honestly, is there anyone in FAVOR of eco-terrorism? Of course not. Surely I cannot be the only one that sees the irony in all this evil "corporate" bashing. Are you all not enjoying these beautiful nature scenes on expensive high tech computer equipment? Most of us have huge investments in photographic gear, cars/SUVs to get us to locations....maybe a jet trip to Patagonia or other photo paradises? I could ramble on ad nauseam about the corporate connection we are ALL tied to. I for one, do not see the point in all the doomsday elitism when it comes to our natural resources. The truth is somewhere between the extremes if you will just get the facts right.


    We (the U.S.) are not perfect to be sure, but anti-corporate fanaticism is really just the other side of the corporate greed coin. Responsibility belongs to us all individually, and as such we need to take a long look at just who we are and what "facts" we can buy into. For those of you still reading this, I will leave you with this known but rarely publicized fact, (and I am not in the timber industry), today in the U.S., we have more net millions of square miles of forests, than when the evil pre corporate yuppie pilgrims (or for that matter, Asians) first set up camp in North America. How can this be you ask? And I will tell you it is because of our modern forest management and fire control/prevention technical evolution. I'm sickened at the sight of forest devastation regardless of the causes, I just choose to be rational about it.


    And Marc, I love you man, keep up the excellent work.


    Peace and love,


  2. Martin:


    Thank you so much for these gorgeous photos of your beautiful country. There's not much more that I can add to the comments throughout your portfolio, except acknowledgement of the excellent compositions. It's so easy to get caught up in the beautiful and technically perfect images that one might not appreciate the equally fine cropping, horizon placement, and juxtaposition of the abstract elements of each image. And with apologies to Neil's observation of the hot ice element to the right of the water line, I think it is spot on. I'm reminded of the sensitive and etherial nature of the 18th century Japanese printmakers, with the bonus of a generous shot of color to improve your art even more.





    WOW! Gorgeous shot! I'm in absolute awe. This is the benchmark for wildlife photography.

    Thank you for sharing this and all the other wonderful images.

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