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Posts posted by john_castle1

  1. thank you so much for the tips!


    im actually buying it new from an authorized canon dealer

    but since they only have 1 stock left and i have nothing to compare it with, there is this nasty "Gollum" creature on the back of my head

    saying "what if..."




    any other tips?


    i promise to post some pics and maybe an unboxing video once i get it.

  2. hello fellow enthusiasts,


    im new here and this is a very informative and helpful forum that

    i decided to register to be a part of the community.


    i have just recently got the EOS 40D and also bought the Sigma 17-70 lens.


    after reading the enormous infos offered by this forum, i am decided on

    getting the 70-200 2.8 IS this coming saturday and would like to ask your

    professional advices.


    before paying for the lens, what do i need to look for to make sure im getting

    a good copy of the lens?


    i have listed below some of the things that i will be thoroughly inspecting

    before the purchase


    - dust (spec of dust on both the front and back element)

    - scratches on the front and back lenses

    - aesthetics (paint job, check for dents, nicks, etc)

    - content (check the hood, pouch, lens clamp, manual, warranty card)

    - auto focus motor sound ( loudness)

    - focus and zoom rings (check for stiffness)

    - switches (check if all are functional and how hard/easy to operate)

    - focusing (check for front of back focusing issuess)

    - wiggle when mounted to camera

    - other unusual things (like maybe loose parts inside/clarity of the lens/etc)




    now, can anyone please advise me on the following issues:


    a) how is the motor sound of this lens? is it loud or soft? the motor on my

    17-70 is quite loud so i think we can use that as benchmark.


    b) how is the feel of the focus and zoom ring supposed to be? is it hard? soft?



    c) how do i test the lens for front and back focus problems?



    kindly add to my checklist if you thik that i need on check on something else.



    thank you and best regards.

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