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Posts posted by bigmanjohnson

  1. I didn't really get into photography until high school, Junior year. Took a photography class because i basically always wanted to know how to take good pictures with creative shots and so forth. One picture I took off of the roof of my truck of the rest of the street as a perfect reflection, slightly distorted off of the roof of my vehicle of course, was very interesting to everyone. If you turned it upside down it had people thinking of which way the orientation was supposed to be because it was a perfect 50/50 split and the paint is blue. I submitted it, upside down in a large format (i think it was 2x3 feet or something similar) because of my photography teacher to the DARE photography contest and they purchased my work for $25. While that at first was just $17 because the teacher took some money for the white backing I used that barely filled up a half tank back in 06 I came to realize that i enjoyed photography for other's pleasure, the satisfaction that my work brings happiness to others.


    it also gives me something to do with all this free time I got, since studying for most of these community college classes seems like a waste of time when I already know most of the material.

  2. find out what kind of subjects you enjoy taking pictures of most, or plan to in the future, and try and look onto the canon EOS page we have on this site to try and find a few lenses from each category. possibly even from multiple categories. The first lens i bought was an 18-200mm Quantaray. Its very solid, but also very heavy as far as lenses go and I kind of wish that I had bought a wide angle or two instead.
  3. thanks everyone... just a few things I need to clarify on.

    -That $2k budget is my spending money for europe only... otherwise, i will use money from my savings if need be to make that 2 grand.

    -The wide angle lens is something I probably should have bought in the first place, but I kinda wanted a zoom at the same time. Images for now seem sharp enough, if you look at my profile almost every one of my pictures was taken with that lens. I might be at a financial crunch that prohibits me from selling it and getting a new one. plus i have that great insurance on it from ritz camera.

    -the macro lens will probably not be used much, if any. I was thinking if i brought it, since it also works as a fair medium-telephoto lens as well i could use it as a backup.

    -My dad was stationed there about 10 years ago, but I don't remember it much because I left when I was about 9 and im 19 now.

    -yes, i know my tripod is a joke. Its flimsy, its got sand in it from some of my beach shoots... "it seemed like a good idea at the time"



    but thank you all for your feedback, since you guys have been taking pictures probably longer than I have been alive. I am very grateful for your influences.

  4. I am a poor college student confronted with a huge opportunity that, thank god,

    my parents are helping me finance. I am taking a trip to Europe through a

    "study abroad" program and I am given the opportunity to gain an art 107

    (digital photography) course credit in the 2.5 weeks I am there. My spending

    allowance for the trip is going to be at least 2 grand. here is the site for <a

    href="http://www2.hawaii.edu/~bsg/studyabroad/">the tour</a>.


    Currently I do not have a camera bag of any sort. My Digital Rebel XT is only 3

    months old now, my first DSLR. here is my list of equipment:


    -Digital Rebel XT (of course)

    -stock 18-55mm portrait lens

    -Quantaray 18-200mm zoom lens f/3.5-6.3

    -Canon 100mm macro USM lens

    -one stock and one extra battery

    -lens filters for the 2 good lenses

    -Quantaray tripod (it was cheap, around $20 and made by Sunpak i believe)

    -4gb and 2gb CF cards


    for bags, I was thinking of getting the lowepro fastpack 350, since it can hold

    my laptop although it will stay in my luggage after the plane ride. I was also

    thinking of getting another battery and CF card just in case. Also, i was

    thinking of grabbing a 50mm canon prime lens as well since its supposed to be

    really fast and well in low light, which i assume all of the museums we will be

    going to fit into that category.


    Homeowners insurance will cover everything. and trust me, the only thing my

    parents have purchased off of that list was the camera, ive been working at just

    over minimum wage to buy everything else for this once in a lifetime opportunity!


    anything i missed? Im so stoked over this trip, and its only in May! thank you

    all for your imput!

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