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Posts posted by longrider

  1. <p>I take a photograph because i want to capture a moment in time of a place or of something,that is one thing.<br />Another thing is that i have images in my imagination or images from somemwhere else which i create out of several different photo's in photoshop.<br />They are unseen to others because they are only known to my imagination or come to me from somewhere else..haven't figured it out yet,lol.<br />But they are unseen to others until i find a way to bring them to life and will most likely look unusual to others cuz they are not from here.<br />they are images ,created out of photographs from places and things which are not visual on earth,so i cannot capture them here,so i have to find another way of bringing them to life..<br />my 2 cents.</p>
  2. <p>The first question which needs to be answered is what is perfect?<br>

    for me,if an image touches me in a way,if it moves my soul,it is perfect,if it has moodit is perfect..it must show feelings for me,a special moment in life..those things make it perfect for me..but perfect might mean something else for someone else.<br>

    So coming back to your question, a photograph can never be perfect in genral cuz perfect might not mean the same for anyone,it can be perfect for an individual but that is where it stops i think.<br>

    For me it is enough if it touches me and fascinates me and speaks to my sense of beauty...but is it perfect then,someone else might say it is not...lol.</p>

  3. From a d40X owner.

    I am perfectly happy with mine,it does what i want and what i had in mind when i started.

    All the rest to have a good end result has nothing to do with the camera and then lens but with you,compostion,interresting subject,pov,unusual captures of subjects,being alert,being able to sense when something will happen,being patient,to see things..a free imagination...lol...all sunject which has nothing to do with the lens or the body but are so very important also for a satisfying end result.

    i am very happy with my d40X lol and all the rest is up to me.

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