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Posts posted by michael_edwards12

  1. If this fellow who can't spell thinks it's so easy, let him do it himself, we could all pitch in and get him a fifty-dollar camera. Of course he probably doesn't realize that to publish a glossy book with detail he'll have to shoot in RAW and actually "process" the photos himself. As for the audio stuff, he won't get a Nagra for that, with a parabolic mic, he'll get a Sony PCM-50 and with his free hand he can shoot the game and record it too.


    Ralph, good posts, I love it. Josh, I love a good laugh. It is interesting how this guy wants someone to virtually pay to work for him, twice.


    -Mike Edwards, The Phrog of Santa Barbara

  2. Yes, and I know a place called OZ where the 300mm Lenses grow on trees.


    Geez, I'm surprised they didn't specify a 2.0 or 2.8 for low light in the venue. Seriously, I'd love to do a mass

    emailing to stop clowns like this from abusing a legitimate profession. I feel that the Point and Shoot craze of late

    has left those of us who have honed our skills and amassed thousands of dollars of gear in the lurch.


    I'd love it if Dentistry at Home kits became available. Can you imagine. Just open wide and the computer does the

    rest, er sort of.......


    Some people think what we do is so darn easy, just point, and shoot. Doh!


    -Mike Edwards, The Phrog in Santa Barbara

  3. HI Lisa, and everyone posting,


    Last night the moon and the clouds surrounding it were a curious subject.


    I pulled out my Nikon D200, upon which a Nikkor 14mm Lens was attached, I noted Power Off and removed the lens. I then pulled out my Nikkor 70-200mm Lens, non-DX. I noted Power Off and attached the Lens. I turned on The Camera, and I got the blank screen of death.


    Hmm, cycle power, nothing; remove and reinstall lens, nothing; pop out the batteries from the hand grip; Success!!


    This leads me to believe what I've heard about using VR Lenses, and this Non-DX Lens on the D200:


    Turn the Power Off-if you don't forget-and turn the The Lens VR OFF, before removal, or installation of a lens.


    Also, I too have developed some "spots" and purchased an Arctic Butterfly static vacuum for this, but before using it read the directions, and power the camera on with an AC Adaptoid.


    I know how hard it is to be left brain thinking when using the right brain for photography. Silly engineers didn't think it through, and it really would be quite nice to know, from Nikon, what the result might be if one did a power on lens swap; I suppose the possibilities are endless and possibly damaging to the wallet as well.


    I did mine with Power Off and got a funny result.....

  4. Hi,


    Why does Gatorboard bend?


    I recently had two 13"x36" panoramic prints mounted on 1/2" Gatorboard at a

    local print works and they warped horribly. The fellow who did the work

    reasoned that when this happens, it always happens with a glossy laminate, and

    could be from a change in location.


    I felt that perhaps it could be from a sudden change in temperature and

    humidity also, as the mounting is done outside in a sort of shed, with no heat,

    and I was told to pick it up in the main Digital Darkroom, which is upstairs in

    the main building that was quite warm, ie cold outside, warm inside.


    There is about a two inch warp in the middle that has quite a bit of "spring".


    The paper I printed on was Epson Premium Photo Glossy (250), and the inks were

    Epson K3. The mounting process is to sticky back 1/2" Gatorboard, and

    laminated Hot/Glossy. I let the print dry about a week prior, since I knew I

    was going to have it laminated.


    I think of: heat/pressure/humidity/roller tolerance and feed speed as possible

    culprits. I don't know the manufacturer of the laminator or the laminate.

    I've been to this house many times with fairly good results, on both larger

    prints, with Glossy and Luster Laminate, and smaller works. I haven't brought

    the prints home yet, since the technician suggested that he put some weights on

    them to unstress the warp over the weekend. He also suggests a strainer back,

    which in this case is two two inch wide strips of Gatorfoam that run the length

    of the print. This sounds like a good idea, however I'm not sure the stringing

    wire will hang correctly. That is, I think the hook will hit the strainer and

    offset the hang due to the width of the print and the amount of space the

    strainer would take up.


    Also, I'm worried that if I put my normal strainer back-a wood back frame that

    is glued to the Gatorboard and strung with hanging wire-that the "spring" will

    return, and consequently pull the wood from the Gatorboard. A combination of

    the two techniques sounds best.


    What's a photographer to do.....


    What say those of The Forum?


    -Michael, of Fovea_Labs

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