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Posts posted by dawn_stoloff

  1. <p>I have tried looking in the threads on this subject but only see layouts available for album design. I am looking for a layout program for my blog postings and website. I feel I spend way too much time doing my layouts in photoshop for my blog! It takes me longer to put up a blog posting than it does to edit a whole wedding. Anyone out there can recommend a layout action/plugin/program for blogs? Thanks for your input!</p>
  2. <p>I recently Opteka lenses from amazone to go with my G11. I obviously had to buy an adaptor for them, so I got the Opteka 58mm Lens Adaptor (Two Part) for Canon G10 and G11. Well, when I attach the adaptor and the lens to the camera there is a large vignette. I can use the wide angle lense if I take the front part off the adaptor, but the fish eye and macro both have vignettes.<br>

    Is it because I have a 58 mm adaptor and it doesn't go with the lenses I bought. I hope someone out there is more familiar with the opteka lenses on the G11 than I am. Thanks your help.<br>


  3. <p>I need to buy a wide angle to complete my collection of lenses but I am having trouble deciding which one to buy. As you all know they cost an arm and a leg! I had my eye on the 14mm canon wide angle but it costs over 2 Gs. I'm also thinking of the 24mm. Or the 16-35mm?</p>

    <p>Any thoughts?</p>

    <p>My preference definitely goes towards the sharpest lenses with minimal distortion. I already have the 24-70mm, so would it be wiser to get a wider fixed wide angle?</p>

    <p>what do you all think f the sigma 15mm fish eye? Does it work with the 5D Mark III?</p>


  4. <p>Hey Mark,<br>

    You're right here we go:<br>

    <a rel="nofollow" href="http://simplybloomphotography.com/" target="_blank">http://simplybloomphotography.com/</a><br>

    Here are 2 images where you can clearly see what I mean. Go to their BLOG. Scroll down a bit to the Boudoir shoot. Look at the photo of the playboy mags on the sheet, and the 2 images below. The sheet instead of being white, has a milky orange tone. it seems to me, they use that effect on most of the images.<br>

    Let me know if you need more specific info, thanks for taking the time!</p>

  5. <p>Hi all,</p>

    <p>I've been DYING to know what type of action this photographer is using on all her images:<br>


    This is the kind of quality I would like to reach. It seems it's the same action on pretty much ALL the photos,. That warm tone effect. It makes the photos look high end and timeless. It brings down the highlights and warms them up...simply GORGEOUS. Does anyone out there know the SECRET?</p>

    <p>Here is an other photographer who I admire, who seems to be using the same effetc!</p>


    <p>Thanks for your time everyone!</p>

    <p>Dawn Stoloff<br>

  6. <p>What print labs do you recommend to your clients for their digital files? A client told me one of her friends prints came out blurry from the lab. She's asking me to recommend a good lab that will make great quality prints. The ones I have in mind are smug-smug, Mpix and bay photo. Bay photo seems the best but I wanted to get your opinions. thanks!</p>
  7. <p>THANK YOU all for taking the time to answer my question. Thank you for sharing your experiences. It seems like I have a long battle ahead of me, and decisions to make. I think I will start with Keiser, then move on to Aetna, Blue Cross and Blue Shield. I will do my home work, and I will keep you updated if I find a good plan out there in the medical insurance battle field. Thanks again.</p>
  8. <p>Hi everyone,</p>

    <p>My question is about HEALTH INSURANCE. I am sorry if this seems totally unrelated to wedding photography, but I thought this concerns all of us, and thought I could get some very good advice from photographers out there that are MOTHERS and WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHERS and many others could benefit from your answers. I have owned my own wedding photography business for a year now. I have been living in The States for 8 years and have never had health insurance. I lucked out that nothing serious happened to me. Well, the time has come for me to get insurance, especially since I am planning to get pregnant in the next few months, and I finally make just enough money to afford insurance. Can any moms to be or mothers/wedding photographers share some advice?? What kind of plans out there make the most sense? How much do you pay/month? THANK YOU!</p>


    Moderator note: Site removed. People can click on your name to see your website. Thanks

  9. Here is a mish mash of questions, for which I am dying to get answers for, every

    new timer will benefit from your answers:<p>

    <ul><li>Heard of the Wedding Albums Apple offers? How do I get a sample?

    <li>What's the best software for accounting? Would you say Quickbooks?

    <li>What should a new timer use for the first job estimate form? Can we download a


    <li>Any tips on where to get business cards designed and printed, good rate,

    professional looking?

    <li>What printing company would you recommend for clients wanting prints?

    <li>What MONITOR do you recommend for Imaging, post processing work with Good color

    accuracy (affordable! in the $500-$1000 range)etc...

    <li>When you go to a first meeting, do you always bring a printed portfolio with you?

    <li>How important is it to have a logo designed? How far up the ladder would you

    qualify for one?

    <li>This is a kind of a stupid question: what kind of calendar or system do you

    recommend for bookings??? I feel like it's important since I've already double

    booked myself and I decided to blame it on the calendar design!




    Dawn STOLOFF

  10. I have my first 2 meetings this week for upcoming weddings my first meeting

    being Sunday, and the client is expecting to sign a contract. How do I get a

    contract? Can I download a sample "wedding photography contract" online??

    Thanks for your help,


    Dawn Stoloff

  11. I have never shot a wedding and a couple asked me to shoot their wedding in

    Italy in September. The Bride to be was my first roommate. I am currently

    working on getting my wedding "kit" together, and plan on devoting this season

    to building a great wedding portfolio. Which means second shooting other

    photographers and shooting some weddings for free. But this wedding is in

    SEPTEMBER, by then I'll probably have gained enough experience to get paid some.

    What do you think? Should I just ask for all expenses covered, and shoot the

    wedding for free, or expenses + charge them for shooting?

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