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Posts posted by jeeperjp

  1. <p>I recently purchased the EF 50 1.4 mm lens. I made the purchase to be able to take photos in low light at 1.4f. However, all of the photos I have taken wide-open at 1.4f are not acceptably sharp. I have found that I have to close the lens down to get decent sharp photos. I was not expecting this with this lens. So this was a surprising disappointment. At this point, I am still learning the lens and can't say if I am pleased with my purchase, all things considered. This is the first 'prime' lens I have purchased. All of my other Canon lenses have been zooms. My camera body is a 5D MII. If I purchase a prime lens again, I will have my camera with me and will test the lens out in the store before I buy. I made this purchase on my overall faith in Canon products, which was shaken a bit this time around. Live and learn I guess. </p>
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