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Image Comments posted by ehoman

  1. The colors are rich and full. The light plays across the daisies and brings them out clearly as the subject of the photo. The copper pot's color and the dried flowers hues add power to the image. Quality photos like this is what keeps me working with photo net.
  2. This is an eye grabber that doesn't let go. The feeling of great depth makes me feel like that indeed a storm is coming and I am in a beautiful but isolated space. Home and safety is far away. This picture earns all the sevens it should get.


    This wonderful image immediately captured my attention. The colors are deep and rich and gves the flowers a solid feel about them. The two flowers in the backgro und pushes out at you that gives it a 3D look. Great Work
  3. The tones of the sky, the moon, and the reflections in the pond set off the play of the light across the land. The old shack gives it a timeless feeling that adds character. The HDR adjustments gives the picture a restfull mood. A beautiful picture that caught and held my interest.

    Dam Reflections


    Peter, I think that this is one wonderful picture with those dam(n) pictures. :>)


    When I first saw your image in the forum I studied it for a while and decided to submit a comment. I noticed Doug's comment and his reads so close to what I would have said that just read over his again for my comments. You did some good dam(n) work there.


    ed homan

    Untitled #25


    Few elements but not a simple image. The color and the contrasts combine with the bare stark elements speaks powerfully to the subconscious.


    ed homan



    I don't know your language but your photo moves me too much not to comment. The color of the forground and the colors of the sky frame the structure so well and the details of the structure gives me the sence of time in the past that is still beautiful and importaint here in the present. It's a place I would love to live in. I could find peace there. You have given me a place to dream of.


    I hope you know English or know someone who does. You picture bridges our language differences.


    ed homan



    You sumitted 4 images, I choose to click on "Alone" because it held my attention the best. Nothing is really wrong with the others. One shows the subtil change of the colors of a field. The tracks through the field tells a story of someone having been there and the one with the trees in the background gives boundries to the field. "Alone" gives focus of what makes the field. It says that one person at a time makes the whole population. It speaks more about the field, in my openion, than the other three combined.


    ed homan

    Country Lane


    The road on the right shows a slight turn to the left before the lay of the land hides it. Does it continue on into the on coming storm? Will it turn enough to advoid the approaching danger? I don't know, I'll never know, so I'll be remembering this image for a long time to come. High drama here, Peter. Good work.


    ed homan



    Fog and Water!!! Many times I've went down to a lake side or a pond when there was a heavy fog and I would set there admiring the view and I would play a game of trying to guess what the fog would reveal as it began its slow lift and give way to sunshine. Your image which is well composed supplies that mystery that I always felt. You have a wonderful image here.


    The glow of the backlit trees in the far background and the bold dark trees in the forground makes me feel that if I continue I'll be entering unknown territory. This image of yours screams with emotion. Great!!!
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