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Image Comments posted by david_doyle2

  1. Mr Caird, it was more in reference to this idiotic debate concerning color and b/w in terms of art and photography, which though in certain circles may have validity but in this instance with Herr Schuler at the helm seems to take on foolish proportions. And BTW Stiechen produced some interesting Autochromes in '07, grains of starch dyed 3 separate colors were used. Had to expose the plate from the back.
  2. Mr Richard Fedder pointed this out to me and I have some questions about these children in whales. How'd they get in there? Can they get out and are they OK? Is it like Jonah and the whale, can they see inside of the whale, are they getting enough to eat, I hope they aren't going hungry inside of that big nasty smelly whale, and ah what...nevermind.
  3. Italy's Abbas Saeidilanha, right, runs over the crotch area of downed Russian cyclist, Vladimir Kiriltsev during a pile up in the men's elimination race final at the 2001 Goodwill Games and thus eliminating him from the procreation race, held at the Sleeman velodrome in Brisbane, Australia Sunday, September 2nd, 2001. Dan Bayer photo.

    Great timing!


    I'll take Todd's side on this one, matter of fact the photo looks cut in half by the extreme highlight- very distracting. As far as IR, the only artifact of that that I can see are the trees way in the distance on the right, so it's not a good example of IR photography. Overall it's a good concept ruined by the blown out hightlight, and the thought that the blow out is actually rather appealing is an odd one.


    Not to be contrary, but this photo does nothing for me, in fact I have tired of seeing it all week. It doesn't challenge my senses, evoke a feeling, appeal to my aestheic side or make me the least bit curious. Samuel also makes a good point about the dark mass in the upper right (photog?).

    Just to be fair though to the photographer, this image is better to my mind and would have made more sense.

    The sense of surrealism is better displayed here with the tip of the hat to Dali water droplets and odd floral plate(?) in the background.


    Eh gads, if that's in Italy then the Gretsch Duo-Jet must be worth 10 trillion lira! And the Strat or Tele alone could retire the debt of any emerging country in Africa (assuming of course their both pre-CBS).
  4. I'm with Tony on this photo, the contrast of it does nothing for my eye, at least not the way the photograher intended it.

    And it does lack a human element I feel (or other animus), the composition has little going for it I feel and the inclusion of the flying cup being too small in scale does not overcome the forebearance of the rest of the image.

    A better example of the dark alley is Elliot Erwitt's "Pigeon in Flight" from '52.

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