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Image Comments posted by eyepasha

    Crash Barrier

    I want to share the same reaction as above. Just about the ugliest object on the planet has been transformed by your eye and digital darkroom into a photograph that leaps off the page boldly and eloquently. Beautifully done. Thank you for sharing.


    Lovely contrast; to me this photograph is successful and apart from others of its type due to the 0 level off the tree bark. A very nice rhythm across the scene panning horizontally, like musical notes.


    Thank you. This is a short-light in a traditional Rembrandt setup against a dark background, 1/125 at f/4 @ 60mm. This was a simple one light setup, but it was the result of many position and power tweaks and I have filled the broad side with a silver reflector. I did not note the light power, but it was quite low, guessing about 200ws. The soft box is just outside of the frame to the left, you can see its reflection filling the whole of the whites of her eyes. The softbox in the catchlights bothered me and I realized mid-way that I could position them exactly in the whites of her eyes to minimize their appearance. Nothing like a modern softbox to take away the Vermeer illusion. The image is unmanipulated except for exposure +1/3, some sharpening and I did have to clone out the ducktape that we used to tighten the clothing against the figure. It was in the small of her back. The strand of hair that forms a circle below the breast and looks like a stain was removed from the final prints.



    Thank you for taking the time to comment and I think the photograph is for the viewer, so no need to take it as it is :). I am interested in learning more what you meant by a focus on the mill. I have a lower crop that provides a silhouette along the bottom. Is the orange reflection on the canal distracting compositionally? I was hoping it served as a tug on the eye to "bounce it" back and forth in a sense from windmill to flock of birds. I imagine the eye concentrating on the horizon, following the horizon to the right to the windmill, following the axis of the blades up to the sky and then being pulled down into the canal which might then escape from that concetnrated pool by jumping across the blankness to either flight or mill. I would appreciate any additional critique describing how you would better appreciate the mill? Compositional focus, exposure or other? Merci.


    Olaf de Vries, January 18, 2008; 01:41 P.M.


    Like it. however am hesitating about the birds or the orange at the bottom, both? Stupid viewer! I should take it as it is!!! :) Yes, some more concentrating on that mill would have been fine. Yes, that light is changing so very fast!! Haha.. yes the birds..!



    Vicky #12


    I love this photograph: the angles, the contrast and the lovely B&W skintone.

    However, I think it a shamem the shadow covers her face and deemphasizes her eye and I think a stronger angle would bring the composition perfectly into both a triangle and a golden spiral.



    Coming from the thread on "art" and print perfection where we met I have to agree 110% with your comment:




    Absolutely. And this one is very pleasing to the eye.






    Are these 3 in the series the most recent work in your portfolio? And are they still unmanipulated as per your definition and with the Cybershot? They are very very good and you perhaps deserve to move up to equipment that gives you more control (unless you are very happy with your current tools).


    To the eye, I find this composition perfect and very pleasing. Color comes across very nicely. My only critique would be that I lose detail on the left, which for an image of this type (low contrast abstract) I would not expect. I also find the bubbles distracting since with this camera or exposure they seem to have "Specked" into blown highlights, almost as if they were scratches in the negative.


    But you have a great eye. I love the diagonal of the rope continuing on with the shadow down to the left bottom corner and I love the way that the rope on the left cuts through on the perfect quartile in order to balance the mass of darkness to the left. It creates a sensation of depth on a horizontal plane. The more I look, the more I see pleasing contrasts, such as the blur of the water around the rope contrasting the sharpness of the fibers, the dark to light, and the flatness of the composition to the implied depth of the water. Very cool

  1. A lovely landscape with a dramatic and effective lighting. I very much like the crossing diagonals of the clouds from upper left to lower right criss crossing the light from upper right to lower left; it creates a very nice and pleasing flow of the eye across the sky. I also appreciate the central position of the distant mountain range which is spotlit in the centre. It invites themind to wander. If I could offer one criticism is that the weight of the dark clouds and silhouette pier on the left create a slightly out of balance composition even if I do ind the panorammic format very nice. My eye is not easily drawn to the pier despite what I would expect to be a prominence. In other words, I would love to see a tension between the distant landscape and the foreground pier in the same way you create tension between the clouds and the light. A lovely picture in any case.
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