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Image Comments posted by jvore

    Refreshing Well


    I agree 100% with Dave. It's a great shot with fantastic spontaneity! Great job shooting fast enough to freeze the subject but still show motion in the water droplets.


    I'm also curious about the blur on her forehead, though. Even some of the individual hair strands disappear because of it. I'm not sure if it is supposed to be a blurred vignette effect, or if something was removed or hidden in the image.


    Golden eagle

    Was this a staged shot? The fox looks like it's already expired and the eagle hasn't actually hit it yet. Either way, good image of the eagle's power and form.
  1. Thanks for the comments! Angelo, I promise that other than a quick color correction to match the slide, there isn't any post-processing or image manipulation. It's virtually a straight slide scan. The original has slightly more contrast and saturation and is a little brighter, especially in lower clouds, but they're very close.


    The clouds were a little brighter in reality than what you see here. To prevent them from being too bright and to make sure the mountain was a silhouette, I spot metered the bright yellow clouds in the saddle of the mountain and set the exposure to +1 stop. That held detail and saturation in the clouds and dropped the hills to deep black.


    An interesting side note, this was shot on the NWR at Bosque Del Apache. There were a lot of other photographers there to shoot the birds, but they were all looking the other way. When the sun dropped behind the mountain and the light on the birds went away, everyone put away their cameras! Of the 25 or so people that were there with cameras, my dad and I were the only ones who didn't pack up and drive away without a second thought!

  2. Thanks! It was one of those magic mornings that seems like it was made for photography. The original slide has a little more 'oomph', but I didn't take the time to absolutely nail the scan. The color is a result of the sunrise that occured about 10 minutes after this image was taken. Pre-dawn glow over Lake Superior is usually quite spectacular!
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