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Posts posted by mbp

  1. <p>I have a friend who makes her own jewelry who is interested in investing in a DSLR system. She is going to buy a 60D, but is asking me what kind of lens she should look at, and, while I am a hobbyist, I have no idea what would be good for jewelry. <br>

    While I'm not sure exactly what her price range is, I think she's thinking around $200-250, or so. Any advice would be helpful.</p>

  2. As some of you that have answered some of my previous questions might know, I'm a 17 year old that takes photos

    for fun. Because photography is just a hobby of mine, I haven't taken any classes or done anything in the business

    world of photography, so I don't know much more than just how to make photos that I like.


    Three of my photos have been chosen to be used in my colleges calendar for next year, and I have been asked to

    provide cutlines for them. I have no experience writing cutlines, nor do I know what information should be there. If

    anybody has any suggestions, that would be really helpful.

    the three photos being used can be seen if you put the following url into the browser: http://www.photo.net/photodb/folder?


  3. Digging through the garage, I've found my dad's old Minolta XG1 with a couple of

    the original minolta lenses (the standard zooms, wide angle, etc), and then a

    DeJur micro lense, as well as a Toyo zoom lense.


    To be honest, I have no idea what I have. I've only ever used digital cameras, so

    I've never even heard of these companies. I was wondering if anybody here has

    used this camera and can tell me if it's any good. Was minolta known for being

    good for a certain type of photography?

    any information that you have would be really helpful.


    Caleb Washburn

  4. thanks Myrira. I understand what you're saying, and it is largely this reasoning that was thinking the class wouldn't be beneficial. However, I am typically able to see past practicality and into theory, and be able to respect the fact that even if I don't like what he does, know that he knows what he's talking about and listen to him.


    Molly, I have been lucky enough to be accepted into a program where I'm finishing my high school years at Nortwhest Missouri State. Therefore, even though I'm a high school student, this would be a class from a college professor. From looking at his webpage, it is clear he is more interested in other forms of art, but I would think he has to have some photography knowledge in order to teach it at the college level.

    I would like to take the class to learn both the rules of photography (so I know when to break them), and to learn patience (which i think i really lack in photography). To an extent, I think that no matter how good of a photographer I could learn these things from him.


    I'm going to go talk to him about which class he thinks I would be best suited for. From talking to him, hopefull I will gain better perspective on what to expect from his class.


    thanks for the responses, and more are welcome.


    oh, and I'll be sure to check out harry callahan! thanks.

  5. This isn't about a workshop, but I don't really know exactly where to post this.

    Anyway, I'm signing up for the courses that I'm going to take next semester,

    and I figured I'd take a photography course (since I've never had one, and I'm

    really starting to enjoy it). Anyway, there's only one photography instructor,

    and so I looked him up online and his works. While he's a great artist

    (painting, digital prints, etc), his photography is really not my style. I

    personally think it's borderline bad, but I'm also the person that's never had

    a photography class, so what do I know.

    I was wondering what you guys thought. Should I continue to pursue taking his

    class because I should take a class sooner or later? I figure even if he's not

    a great photographer, he has to know at least the rules of photography, which

    is what I want/need to learn.





    oh, and I can post a link to his webpage so you guys can see his stuff, but I

    thought that would be rude since I don't like his photos. If you want to see

    the link, though, I'll post it.

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