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Everything posted by stephen_mcateer

  1. @Niels - NHSN Thanks Niels. I think I would agree with you that this lens isn't performing as well as it probably should. I'll look through it again, more closely this time, once I finish the roll of film I have in it. I'm not really too confident about disassembling it with my limmited DIY skills and tools — I think if it does need a clean, I'll probably send it to a repairer. Cost wouldn't be astronomical I hope and it's such a nice camera I don't mind spending a bit to improve it (Within reason). Anyway, I might just try and shoot this film over the weekend so I can take a look at the lens again. I'll update this thread if I find anything. Cheers. PS — The image of the clothes peg: I just remembered I had a Rolleinar close-up attachment on the camera for this one, so probably not a useful example.
  2. @orsetto @Niels - NHSN Another frame from this, the first roll of film I've put through this camera. That 'Smoke-ring'-like circle is maybe just characteristic of this lens. I don't know:
  3. Thanks Niels. I shone the LED light on my phone through the lens a few weeks ago but couldn't see any obvious haze. I wasn't looking through it at a dark background though, and perhaps the phone light isn't really bright enough. I just put a roll of film in it yesterday so for now I can't re-check it with a brighter light and so forth. Once this roll is finished, I'll test it again and update this thread with my findings. Actually, I got a set of negatives from a roll of Portra 400 back from the lab today. One of those pictures — of clothes peg — is contre-jour and it's not completely terrible (There's some lens flare in the centre. At least, I think it's flare…) The second one, of a couple of Poplars: I think I see a patch of lower contrast in the middle of this image but I'm not certain and it's pretty subtle if it's there at all. (NOTE: This shot wasn't against the light.) Anyway, Thanks again for the advice.
  4. @orsetto Thanks for that excellent overview of the FX / GX history. I had no idea. Very interesting. I had read elsewhere about the Shutter release 'Problems' with these cameras. It did put me off the idea of owning one I have to say. You also mention repairability, which is something to consider. As you say, there aren't many Rollei repairers to choose from (I'm in the UK). Hopefully this camera will last me a long time without needing more work though. It seems to work smoothly enough, and despite asking for opinion on the GX, I can't see me selling this Rollei. (Incidentally, I also have a Mamiya — a 330. I like this camera for the same reasons you like your 220 — simplicity, bulletproof build, and interchangeable lenses. It's also, of course a lot cheaper than a Rollei.) Cheers.
  5. @orsetto Thanks for that detailed information. Very helpful. I like the 'Feel' of my current Rollei, the way it handles. I like the all-metal and glass construction too. The GX does look a bit more 'Plasticky', which is not a good thing. Looking on eBay, I think a decent GX would probably cost me upwards of £3000. I'm not certain what my Type IV is worth — maybe £1500-ish at a guess, so a huge chunk of cash to find as you say. It's probably not worth the outlay for me at this point, being realistic. (I suppose I could always try to 'Dehaze' the backlit images in Photoshop…) Cheers.
  6. I have an older Rollei — it's a 3.5 F Planar Type IV. I like to shoot into the sun / against the light. In these conditions, I see quite a bit of haze in the resulting photographs with this lens. (The lens is clean / free of haze etc.) My old Hasselblad 501CM with the 80 CB Planar was miles better against the light. So I'm wondering: is the 2.8 Planar on the Rollei GX any better / is it comparable to the Hassleblad / Zeiss Planar? Thanks in advance.
  7. @SCL Thanks for that. I think I'll get an Oleson. Just a question of when.
  8. @arthur_gottschalk Thanks Arthur. The Maxwell screens sound good. More expensive than the Oleson ones but maybe you get what you pay for.
  9. @orsetto Thanks for this detailed information. Again, it's very useful. (Or should I say 'Illuminating'?) I have a feeling the £30 I spent on the Chinese screen is probably wasted money, though I can maybe recoup some of it on eBay. I'll have to think hard about the Oleson screen — it gets good reviews but I've spent too much on accessories recently and have to dial it back a bit for a while. Maybe I'll save it for Christmas… The existing screen I have in the Rollei is usable in bright light, though even then seeing clearly what's in the peripheries of the frame is still a bit problematic. I have an RZ67 and its screen is great, as you say. I wonder just how difficult it would be to cut one to fit the Rollei? (Though I noticed someone somewhere said it would be a waste of a scarce Mamiya part. Maybe they have a point.) Anyway, as I said, I'll try to remember to report back here with my findings on the Chinese screen. Cheers.
  10. Thanks for that Niels. Useful information. I'm not expecting much from the Chinese screen — if it's no good I'll put it back on eBay. I can probably live with the existing screen on my Rollei but I'm always looking to improve things and it is a little dark round the edges. Hopefully I won't have to sand this one I have coming from China but we shall see I suppose. The Rick Oleson screen looks good but it's quite expensive — I'll look for other reviews on it and have a think about that one. Cheers.
  11. Thanks very much for that detailed reply. The mirror is clean and intact on this Rollei (It's a 3.5F Type IV). I took the WLF off last night to inspect the focus screen — there are just a couple of tiny spring clips holding the screen in place so I think I should be able to replace it myself. I had forgotten about Rick Oleson until you mentioned him here. However, I saw a Chinese screen for $30 on eBay and decided to take a punt on it. There's not much lost if it turns out to be no good. I'll go now and look at Rick Oleson's website. I think his screens were about $100, though there would be shipping and import taxes for me here in the U.K. Anyway, I'll try to remember to update this thread with results / the Chinese screen. Cheers.
  12. The screen on my Rollei is dim in the corners. [See pic.] I'm wondering if this is normal. When I take the finder off and examine the screen, it doesn't look dirty. Are there brighter screens / are they worth the money? Thanks in advance.
  13. @maris_rusis Thanks for the tips. The Rollei I received in the post today turns out to be (Probably) uneconomical to repair. So I may have to find a good one before I can start looking for attachments. The portraits of his father: he discusses them in a documentary that I skimmed through on YouTube last night. They're powerful images but I think he was conflicted about them — he even talked to his analyst about the rights and wrongs of making them.
  14. Okay thanks for that @AJG. I was looking at Richard Avedon's portraits of his father and thinking he must have used a Rolleinar of some sort. Those pictures are nice but then he was the master portrait photographer.
  15. Thanks Niels. I'm thinking of doing some pictures of my mother — she doesn't mind being photographed.
  16. I have a Rollei 3.5F coming in the mail in the next few days. I'd like to use it for head and shoulder-style portraits. Will I need a Rolleinar close-up lens? (I believe the nearest focus of Rolleis is about 3 feet.) Thanks for any info.
  17. For reference, £195 = about $250 US at current exchange rates.
  18. I have for sale a hand-written letter written in 1973 from Paul Strand to Dody Weston Thompson. Subject is a bad review from a critic. Price is £195 GBP plus postage from the UK. Letter is in good condition with original envelope postmarked New York City / Address on the letterhead is Orgeval, France. Also included is the newspaper clipping with the unfavorable review. If you can't reach me through this site, mail me though my website: stephenmcateer.co.uk. (Letter is also listed on eBay.)
  19. Looking for a 612 in good condition. I'm in the UK but happy to cover shipping / taxes. Thank you. Stephen McAteer.
  20. Thanks everybody. I think a rain cover looks like the sensible thing to do.
  21. I have in mind to take some pictures in the rain. Will it harm my D850? [The lens I have for it is a Tamron SP 35mm F1.8 Di VC, which is also supposed to be weather-sealed.] I know it's supposed to be weather sealed but I'm a little suspicious of such claims by manufacturers. Thanks for any info.
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