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Image Comments posted by julius_sakalauskas

  1. Thank you all for your comments. I've been overwhelmed by the generosity of critiques. Some background to this photo... Of course I do live in Canada, land of purity and nature. But this marsh is situated in one of the busiest metropolis centres in the world. The contrail... well, that might be Canadian Forces jets, it might be USAF jets in tandem with Canadian Forces jets in morning military exercises -- this marsh is close to the Canadian/American border, so joint exercises go on all the time. And then, of course, the contrail may be from an airliner leaving Toronto International Airport. Contrails are a fact of life in the modern age. So I leave it in. It is counterpoint to the serenity of the marsh, one of the few left on the shores of the Great Lakes of North America.


    What the photo does not, and cannot convey is the noise, the rush hour traffic in and around this lovely marsh. But, also, what this photo cannot convey is the calls of migratory birds all around, who make this marsh a temporary home on their way south, either to the U.S.,or South America. This spit of land, so ever crowded, so ever encroached by modern life stands as a testament to the people and organizations who protect such important habitats in this once-wild and pristine land.

    lake in mist

    I love fall colours and reflections. You captured a nice moment. Congrats. The uneven horizon is distracting, however. The water is quite calm, so I'm assuming you shot this fairly early in the day, and hence the morning mist. But the exposure is a bit too long. The sky is on the verge of being blown out, overexposed. A shorter exposure or shooting a bit earlier in the morning would have helped with the mood. Nice job though.

    The Chair

    This photo does not work for me. Great light, lovely skin tones, love the wall, the chair, the carpet, the model. But they don't work. Her pose is awkward, cut off at the knees. her positioning is tentative, unsure, without direction. The photo is cut off at the knees, metaphorically speaking. With the brown tones in this photo, I'd like to have seen more connection through the elements. Model connected to carpet, seat and wall. Her lovely brown skin tone could have tied everything together nicely if she were to have "cascaded" like a graceful waterfall from the top of the chair to the carpet. Sorry.

    sherman falls

    It was twilight, getting quite dark. I did not want to lose the feeling of a waterfall in twilight. But I will keep in mind underexposure. Thanks for your comments.
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