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Posts posted by bowl

  1. For me it's all about balance.

    You need reasonable ability and you need reasonable equipment.


    Having the best ability in the world but a poor quality camera is a bad place to start.

    Having no ability and the best camera is also a bad place to start.

    Buying the best camera and expecting superb results without ability is unrealistic, but superior equipment will help.

    Having fantastic ability and expecting great results with a poor quality camera is also unrealistic, but the ability will help.



    Defining a bad quality camera and poor results, that's the tough one. It's personal.


    A graph could be worked out that plots ability against equipment to identify the optimum levels of investment in each depending on your ability and the depth of your wallet.

    You could spend a significant ammount of time working this out & identifying good or bad or you could spend that time taking photographs and not worrying too much about it.

    It's personal and that choice is yours. Who am I to tell you what is right? As long as you are happy and I am happy who cares?


    I have a camera. I take photos. Some of them are good & some of them are bad, in my opinion.


    My poor equipment and ineptitude at taking photos does not define me as a person or as a photographer. I'm in it for the fun.

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