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Posts posted by duane_mills

  1. <p>I have a K-5II and have had the opportunity to compare my HD DA Limited's and DF A 100 Macro WR on a friend's K-3II during indoor shooting in an arena. The AF on the K-5II was a big leap from my previous K-100 D Super. The AF with the K-3II was a very noticeable improvement over the K-5II. The Ltd pancakes are blazing fast on a my K-5II so I was quite surprised. As a result I will be searching for Black Friday, Cyber Monday or Boxing Day deals on a K-3II.</p>
  2. <p>Great kick off Doug. The lighting on that macro shot is amazing. Here are 3 shots from our local Friday Night Lights exhibition Football games from ages 8-18. I coach kids under 12. It rained heavily on and off. The D FA 100 Macro WR is my only WR lens so that stayed on the camera. Here is the first...</p><div>00eAre-565785184.jpg.c3890310600d59e4ae874dd8a139eaa0.jpg</div>
  3. <p>Terrific kick off Justin. The Moonlit Landscape really pops as an image that makes the soul want to be a part of such a peaceful scene. Here are three shots from Football practice this week. All were taken with the D FA 100 Macro WR and K-5II.</p><div>00e7Uu-565155584.jpg.76bd88ef918677e69998b2cd6dbdaf30.jpg</div>
  4. <p>Great kick off Doug - the Egrets photo is a superb capture. That 150-450 renders extremely well. Love the golden sunset Yury. How fast is the AF on the DA* 300? I have been on the fence about buying that lens for some time.<br>

    This week I'll stick to black & white to mix it up. Here are three shots...</p>


  5. <p>The starbursts on the original DA Limiteds are amazing. I went with the HD DA series for the way they handle flare but can not obtain a starburst remotely close to those Matt has been able to capture with original DA Limiteds. Dynamite shot Matt.</p>
  6. <p>Terrific kickoff Doug. The slightly out of focus Maple Leaf in the Jay photo is outstanding (being a Canuck I may be biased). Here are two sets of two from me. The first is a portrait I shot of family friends whom were celebrating their 50th Anniversary last weekend...</p><div>00e4ol-564651784.jpg.2477839b6507cbc44d946dabeee7000b.jpg</div>
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