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Image Comments posted by wv_celtic

    The Kill


    This image didn't really have a great deal of digital noise in it to start with, but I used a tiny amount of NR to help 'clean' it up. I don't have a specific NR program, and not being a technical pro, perhaps not the best to give advice as such on it either. All I can tell you is windows live photo has it, and I also have it via Lightroom....what's best I have no idea. If you really want a good answer, I'd post a question in the forums about it, I am sure you will get GREAT answers there.

    The Kill


    Really appreciate the very kind comments. For those that asked, this was taken on the front wing of my wife's car. The black stripe to the bottom right being the tail end of the coachline transfer. The little grainy specks, well I guess the car needs washed. The image was cropped down some from the original, but not wildly, just removed some excess that to me was non-beneficial to the image. I did a tiny amount of post editing to this, tiny amount of sharpening, and I ran it through noise reduction as from memory my ISO was higher than I had wanted. Other than that, pretty much as is.

    Thanks again for the very confidence boosting comments. Much Appreciated.



    Great subject and capture. I agree about the tail as previously ( and wisely ) suggested. Not the most major distraction though and still a wonderful image. I wish I could get subjects like this. Thanks for the info regarding the subject, makes the image all the more interesting. Congrats.



    Love it....great idea...works well...and love the use of split imaging...well done on a well executed shot using a very simple subject. 

    King Of The World


    Thanks...I am not a fan of altering my images other than cropping or resizing....unfortunately, I tried a little with this one...and messed around with tinting and saturation...kinda exploring....thank you for pointing out the purple cast...I never noticed it as I am not very good at Post editing obviously...I will try again...and see if I can reduce/remove it....Thank you kindly for a very much appreciated critique...as it helps me learn.



    Thanks Pierre. It's nice to get a compliment on here...rare...but nice. I try to do little if any post editing to any pictures I take, other than cropping and resizing for upload. Thank you for your time and comment.



    There was no PS work done on it...the image was too large for Photonet, and I had to reduce the size...unfortunately the program I used "sharpened" the image each time...which led to a kind  of weird lightening effect on it. I wish the original image had been uploaded, as it looked better.



    Great image...I love how you used the DOF to draw us to the most interesting and detailed part of the image...and the color range...wow.

    Screw It


    Gary...thanks for taking the time to critique...as to how I did it, nothing complicated...just bought my first macro lens and was fooling around experimenting...placed a screw on top of a glass on the window ledge of the kitchen window...this is the result...no post editing other than a crop and a little Noise Reduction.

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