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Image Comments posted by charles_reid



    Magnificent photo in every possible way. The divider in the center is disturbing and imho makes the picture. Without it the photo would be just another artsy photo the like of which photographers trying to emulate art output at astonishing rates. The models size is perfect as the Scene.. not the model is the focus. This is art.. not a product shot or a model port. The colors are perfect and all the "fixed" shots are bland , boring and wouldnt have gotten a second glance from any of us. I understand why the white in the mirror bothered some of you. IMHO only photographers will notice that in a negative way. It is a splash of light in the pallet of the scene and seen as part of the whole pallet is a positive element in the photo though maybe a technical mistake. The crops remind me of amateur photographers who zoom in tight on the faces and body parts their minds focus on rather than doing what photographers do and capture context. It is a work of art. A painting in light... not a catalog of objects within a light range.

    This photo imho cant be improved and is a masterpiece. As for the comment about this could be professional quality this is far far far above the quality of many or most professional photos ive seen. Most importantly of all it is Original. We all know you can look through the ports of most of the "top" photographers and their copiers and see a thousand of the same standard, though artsy, looking photo. This is a light painting and a masterful one.

  1. Great picture. I just realised ive photographed the same place but in a very different style (high speed and i got REALLY lucky on the natural lighting). The water looked better because of that in mine but yours is a far far better picture.
  2. Geez you mean you took exactly the macro you (and all of us would) wanted? Hehe Its a fantastic shot and if you're not rotating a macro to fix it you're not getting down in the dirt at ungodly weird angles enough!


    I agree 100% with the above posters comments. Clouds are hard to clean up. The over processing shows at the contrast areas. Better photoshop work would help. Im amazed though that those appear to be natural colors. STriking. Perfectly framed. Surreal yet very mundane at the same time. (id cheat and liven up that water heh)
  3. Almost a really good picture. Either focus is off or more likely your lens is soft. The colors should pop more.. you can fix that with photoshop as it looks like the exposure is just right to give you really excellent dynamic range. Now just liven the colors up.
  4. Excellent focus and Perfect DOF. That couldnt have been easy. The background lacks but you arent usually the decider of that in a macro eh. Imho you should uncrop it to give it just a little more context and breathing room. Did i mention the eccellent DOF and focus?
  5. I love the tones and, unlike others, think her shoulder in the picture is what gives it charm. Too many people photograph what they focus on with the eyes and lose all context. Without her shoulder it is standard "model staring at camera trying to look cold because the photographer read thats what is artsy!". But instead it comes off as kid having fun and playing model.. and trying not to laugh.


    The tones are magnificent and you Nailed it with this picture. I hope i can do people that well someday. Too many 'photographers' Think they can do people but just produce hackery labelled as art. THIS is art and you'll be lucky if you match this again imho.


    Btw the lack of airbrushing etc letting her freckles and reality adds a lot to this picture. More photographers should take note of that.

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