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Image Comments posted by photovision


    A very beautiful image. I really like the camera settings you used. This photograph sends to me many wonderful memories, and evokes much happiness, and this is what to me a good photograph does.
  1. Linda, I love your work, Very artistic and imaginative. Your portrait work is outstanding, as well as many others in your portfolio. Keep up the good work. This floral closeup, as well as other florals in your portfolio, takes photography beauty to the limit. Regards.


    The lightening is awsome, but the dark figure is distracting, and who would dare to be standing out in that kind of storm? I admire your ability to capture lightening, I have not been able to yet. I am too afraid of thunder storms.

    Flute and Fruit


    I really like this, Doug, except for one itty, bitty nit. I don't like the roll at the bottom of your back drop. to me it is distracting. I think that just letting it fall naturally and softly would have created a more pleasing look. Just my preference tho.Every thing else is perfect for my taste. I haven't eaten breakfast, so that banana is looking pretty darn good right now. Keep up the good work.


    Brown and Yellow

    I love these beautiful colors and the way you have presented them here. Maye the use, tad, of the highlight shadow tool. would make this into a even more beautiful image, but it is great as is. Moody, intriguing, mysterious, even spooky.

    Red deer #1

    Hi Henrik, Have you noticed how everyone views photographs differently? I checked out your gallery, which is great, and I see that you do a lot of experimenting, which is great. I'm with you, I like different approaches. Breaks the monotony of the same ole thing in photographs. You have some fantastic work. I like this one, but the Red Deer#2 in your gallery is beautiful. Keep up the good work.

    Kyoto fall

    Yes, I like. the simplicity, colors, and the background. Maybe that very bottom leaf should have been cloned out. Wish it were mine. These are the kind of photographs my customers buy in very large print to set the color theme for rooms.
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