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Posts posted by mark_rabiner

  1. With slow film and a tripod even at large mags it could be hard to

    tell. What sheet film has is a creaminess in the highlights that roll

    film doesn�t match and I think the reason being the thinner emulsion on

    roll film is the issue more than the film area. Sheet film is thicker;

    more silver. This is my impression.

  2. Instead of an extension tube a less extreme cheaper easier method is a

    Proxar (magnifying filter). I have gotten not terrible results from

    Hoya's brand. BTW You're not supposed to call them filters as they are

    lenses but that's how they are commonly referred to.

    For what seems like twice the weight the 180 doesn't seem worth it.

    They say its sharper but who is �they�? But it pairs off nicely with

    the 120. I like my 150, its a classic.

  3. Sounds like the bellows are tubes are being sold with the lens. They

    are listed as separate items. The 135 can not be used alone, it must be

    used with either of the aforementioned. The tube being handier but

    limited (will focus to infinity making the 135 as handy on the long run

    as the 120 but with the bellows having more flexibility. The 120 can be

    used of course with out bellows or tubes but if your were doing a huge

    amount of macro work the 135 is the lens to use. A Classic.

  4. I have a 2.8 F Planar and would be equally happy with a Xenatar. I

    think F means you have a 220 option which I like although it is

    slightly funky (you loose a frame). My meter works but you have to

    remember to point the camara down at least 30 degrees. I've had it for

    twenty one years, it was made in the early seventies and I would gladly

    sell it for $5000. In other words I have no intention of parting with

    it. One tenth the parts of my 'Blad but the same lens or thereabouts.

    If you like Avedon and Penn then this is what they've done the bulk of

    their work with.

  5. I've heard of people mounting their �Blad bodies on the backs of view

    cameras. That might seem the way to good. Also with the digital

    revolution in full swing everyone seems to coming out with medium

    format view cameras that are super cool; like Rollei, Linhof, ArcaSwiss

    and probably others. Although these options are not cheap either is the

    flex or these arc, both with limited movements.

    I would thing they would reintroduce the Superslide back to make those

    limitations less so. I would get one if I had one of those �Blads. I

    might get one anyway; they go for pretty cheap.

  6. Pan F is so much better than its 35mm counterpart that I wonder if it

    is the same emulsion. I can usually always get APX 25 120 in the walk

    in fridge at pro photo portland Oregon down the street just as often as

    they have the pan F which is usually. My experience is Pan F being more

    than twice better than FP4 which has also given be erratic results. I

    often shoot 220 plus X as my medium speed film because of this. I use

    Rodinal 1/50 and have used others.

  7. Most of the professional photographers I know and have heard of use or

    dream of using the 120 widely considered one of the better and more

    useful lenses and often considered to be the best. Am I surprised to

    see a controversy on this lens! I would not believe any of it. Believe

    the 120 is for many people: the reason to use a Hasselblad. I doubt

    that its sharpness at infinity is significantly different than a 150 or

    180 despite the fact that it is a macro. It's previous version is a 5.6

    which I would be less sure of defending. But its just as possible that

    this older lens has more than comparable results if you can stand the

    dimmer less focasable image on your groundglass.

  8. I have a pre-FLE and have no intention of sweating it. The FLE deal

    seems like a real pain and I would love to see it demonstrated visually

    just how worth it it might be. In other words I'll believe it when I

    see it.

    I think what happened is another camera system got results that were

    dangerously close to Hasselblads in its wide angle close focus results

    and they panicked and started floating the elements. Why not?

    Hasselblad users are thought of as sparing no expense. I can't believe

    my models results are anything less then exquisite onthe charts and can

    speak from ten years experience getting results with it.

    If I specialized in close focus work in medium format wide angle I

    would check it out personally, renting a FLE and comparing

    results.Since it is not the latest model it will be in a lower price


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