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Kacy H.

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Posts posted by Kacy H.

  1. Hi - I wonder if anyone has more info about the attached photo. It is a dog carrying a mannequin leg, and what looks like T-Fords on the side. Is it taken by a well-known photographer, or possibly just someone's lucky snap? I have tried TinEye, and it appeared suddenly on meme-sites in 2013. I have a hunch someone scanned it from a photo book (or even a still from an old movie), but I could be wrong. Any info appreciated!


  2. Hi, I have a recent Intel Mac Mini (2 GB RAM, 2 GHz Core 2 Duo), and I use PS CS3 daily to edit 16 bits TIFFs converted from raw (10 megapixels). Saving/loading big files can take a while because of the slow internal hard drive in the Mac Mini, but otherwise editing feels fast, even with several full bitmap layers.


    My suggestion is not to go below 2 GB RAM, and possibly use an external FireWire hard drive to keep your files on.


    Video RAM is not a limitation for PS CS3 (I haven't had any problems), but for instance Apple Aperture won't run because of the low-end graphics processor.

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