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Image Comments posted by beartooth1

    'After Vespers'


    Hello John,

    It's been a while, since I have made the time to come to Photo.net - but I came your folders 1st to see what I have been missing.

     - Behold a photo with some motion blur -

    It has been a busy summer with weddings and senior pics and such. I have been struggling with the acceptibilty of motion blur in my images...I come from the school of tack sharp stop action (my own school of course) - but I shot several weddings in dark churches (not unsual) - but I usually cull those images out that have any motion blur so I don't have to explain the actual reasons for taking them or the artistic merit. So to get to the short of it - I left some in that I really liked what the image presented and I'll be damned if the client didn't just love them.  

    So lessoned learned I think - to some level - not all people will like or even understand why there is motion blur.

    So onto your image - It captures the moment perfectly I think. A bit of story is told (or imagined) Man to the right just finished a conversation with middleman(sharp guy) and the man to left is walikng up to have a conversation.  The other 2 peeps are walking and having a conversation.

    It is Crystal Clear :)

    Thanks for Sharing


    The Musician/Waiter


    I stand corrected...

    I read the Websters definition and agree with your statement.

    Sometimes, well o.k. most times I don't over think my responses to images (or other things for that matter ) "Simply" put - I let it roll out exactly as I think it....

    Now you're going to force me to think through my responses to your images :)


    - Ken

    'Spring Idyl'


    Lines, Curves, & Love - I like this very much both in comp and tonality....If I had to find something to critique, it would be the "feet" at the far end of the image - they are a bit of a distraction. I do not think a bit of cropping would hurt this image at all.

    Very well seen!



  1. Well Done...Angle is perfect and the post work is spot on. If I had to find something a smaller Aperture would have blurred out the building a bit better or doing it carefully in post. Only to keep the fixed on the textures in the truck. Congrats.


  2. John, you've done it again!


    I love this...the shapes, colors, and stop motion all work perfectly. The fact that you exposed for the background was an excellent choice. I would like to know what triggered that decision.


    This would make an awesome luggage advertisement. lol


    I like it in color better than B&W....

  3. A wonderful story with no words....this is well captured.


    One moment sooner or later the impact of this image may have been lost.


    McD's should use this in their advertising (Assuming you'd sell it to them) ;)


    Nothing really to critique here....From an Artistic standpoint I'd like to see a little separation in tones between her and the background but that is being nit picky.


    I apologize for not getting back to the image we discussed the cropping...I actually did it..but didn't post the results do to the fact it was not what I thought......your version was better. ;) However I appreciate you letting me do a bit of editing on your work...I will in the future if I see something....I may even have a go at this.


  4. Hello John,


    I like the 2 out of focus figures, which of course draws the eye to the central figure...which is more than sharp on my monitor. I also like the tones in the image.


    I think you nailed the focus...her hair in front is clear enough to count, while just one the other side of her nose it is out of focus.


    The only thing that draws me away from her, is the hand, even though it is blurred enough to ignore, the lighter tone keeps catching my eye...on the long look.


    I'm not sure a tighter horizontal crop would fix it either....


    With your permission I would like to try it and will post the result of what I see..If that is ok.

    The Reflection

    I had to read all that twice...to get it to sink, so to speak....I will some up my thoughts in a brief (very brief statement) You really amaze me and I'm very intrigued by your thought processes.... Please keep posting these daily images, even if I don't comment, I look and read, be sure of that.

    The Reflection


    I really like this...


    The motion blur provides action to the scene, and seeing just a bit of her face gives me a clue to what she might look like. Story well told IMHO. I also like the textures in the image shiny (faux) leather, fur and even some texture in the skin of the buyer.


    Perfect IMHO, it also has a bit of a Jared McMillen look as well and I really like both. I too have a strong interest in how the post work was done... A hint would even be nice...;)
  5. "Action"...I was thinking the same as Meir, when I read the title (each figure...) I didn't scroll to read the rest til I examined the photo... A movie set and the director (you) just yelled action...to put things in motion for the scene to be played out as scripted.


    I'm really starting to look forward to your daily image. Thanks for sharing and for the detailed descriptions of your thought process.

  6. Nice John, it's interesting you post this as I've been trying this myself. Not running but standing and zooming..to create a similar effect on a static subject..


    My keeper rate is not very high, needless to say. Maybe you could offer some technique.

  7. Hi there,


    There would be some work here, but some levels adjustment and curves to get the BG closer to black then you could select the brownish color and change it, or you could create a mask, and go that route. It could also be done with a layer mask.


    The other option would be Mulitple Exposures and blend them in PS


    I find I like the toning...it ages the place...I think you could back the vignette off just a bit... but otherwise I like the fact you are stepping outside your own box.



    Wow...now I realize that is not a constructive critique but that was literally the first word that popped in my head as I scrolled down the page....


    Lighting and post work are spot on..the colors set the mood and I can't find anything wrong with any of it... Congrats

    'The Underpass'


    Another amazing capture, My eye traveled right down the darkness and to the figure...I actually had to blink to see the rest... Almost tunnel vision if you will. The tones and detail are handled perfectly.


  8. Hi Chad,


    Amy, hit the nail on the head, with her example. Maybe it's fad and maybe it's the reaction when you show somebody their portraits and they do the wow thing..and say "those just jump off the page"...bear in mind it's not always fitting and you have to make an "Artistic Judgment" for lack of a better term. Shooting for B & W is a similar thing...You must visualize the image in B & W (IMHO) for it to be a success...now granted a little luck now and then when doing a conversion helps, but I don't generally convert to B & W unless I shot for that purpose.


    PS CS4 / Lightroom / Photomatix Pro and various plugins i.e. Kubota Actions


    Enjoy the Journey!

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