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Posts posted by rick_williams6

  1. <p>Thanks for the heads up guys.<br>

    Next time I embark on a wanton, 'paedophilic' rampage, it certainly wont be around shopping malls or the like.<br>

    None the less. If the urge becomes all too overwhelming whilst out shopping for my rice crispies. I'll ensure to pack my trusty compact prior, so I can cover the job with a little more subtlety.<br>

    The fact this story even made the news is astounding.<br>

    Welcome to the paranoia epidemic.</p>


  2. <p>Hi Geoff.<br>

    Great choice considering your budget mentioned earlier.<br>

    Personally I shoot a D3 with a Nikon 80-200 2.8 VR and a D200 in my bag as backup. This Nikon 80-200, as with most Nikon lenses, is an outstanding performer on both bodies in my opinion.<br>

    Get the great glass over a compromise any day I say... you won't regret it I assure you.<br>



  3. <p>Very clever Chris.<br>

    You're 100% on the money with your post.<br>

    3/3 or even 4/4 without words of encouragement is heartless, cruel and unjust.<br>

    Anyway these inconsiderate so n so's need to get a kick out of life one way or another, even if it's not through photography.<br>

    6/7 By the way.<br>

    Best regards.<br>


  4. <p>LOL @ Josh.<br>

    Wow you have running water up in them parts.<br>

    We are still talkin bout gettin that electricity stuff they keep talkin on so much round here.<br>

    John. I wish you well on your quest for the elusive memory devices you speak of.<br>

    May the gods look down on you favourably : P<br>

    P.S. you're on holiday with your Mom?</p>

  5. <p><em>By "not one 3/3," I think he meant that he didn't get any ratings at all. I went over there and commented on one of the photos.</em><br>

    Sorry, but to be brutally honest I did LOL.<br>

    Guys. I hate to break it to you like this. But there are folk out there who simply do not like the work we do, regardless of effort, genre or status.<br>

    Take it for what it's worth.... an anon 3/3 or 4/4 without representation says more about the one judging than those being judged.<br>

    All the very best.<br>


  6. <p>A screen capture is all it takes.<br>

    As stated earlier it takes a few seconds more, but has the same result.<br>

    I found an account on Fli*er where the the owner was using a handful of my images and claiming them as their own.<br>

    Although the images were not for sale and from what I could tell, gaining financial benefit, I was still pretty upset.<br>

    Thankfully a heated message from myself to the offending party was all it took to have the images removed. <br>

    No harm done, but I still check in on that account from time to time and wonder how many other images do not rightfully belong to them.<br>

    I have lately resorted to overlaying a watermark on most of the images<em> </em>I put on the net, it's the only way a physical barrier can be installed as far as I know.<br>

    Good luck chasing these phoneys down.<br>



  7. <p>I feel PN needs to introduce further measures to cater for photographers currently developing their skills and more importantly, those just starting out.<br>

    <br />Giving all members the capability to rate down others work without justification is a noted shortcoming of the site. Having the ability to arbitrarily trash another members images numericaly, especially in an anonamous maner does seem a little feeble and unjust.<br>

    <br />If a newby is constantly endowed with 3/3 or 4/4 without any direction for improvement. It's just possible they may become a little bitter and start giving the same in return.<br>

    <br />For the sake of 'keeping it real' versus members possibly enjoying their rating/critique experince or maybe even learning something here on PN.<br>

    <br />Why don't those in power enforce a policy whereby members wishing to be critical of others must justify their reasons why. Of course those wishing to remain anon could still do so providing they abide by a play nice policy and avoid any nasty or derogatory comments. Of course, this to would need policing with a 'troll patrol'. However, a zero tollerence stance would discourage most from being nasty in the first place.<br>

    <br />Frankly if all you wish to do is cause misery for others by making them feel bad because of your frustration and spite, you really don't belong here. The internet is littered with sites more than happy to accomodate troll types.<br>

    <br />My two cents for what it's worth.</p>

  8. <p>Altough he won the 1994 Pulitzer for his image of a famine striken child.<br>

    I'm not sure I could do the same as Kevin Carter (may he rest in peace).<br>

    In fact. I know I couldn't take the shot and then walk away without offering some form of assistance.<br>

    <a href="http://photosthatchangedtheworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/nilgunyalcin_childvulture.jpg">http://photosthatchangedtheworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/nilgunyalcin_childvulture.jpg</a><br>

    Powerful image though to say the least.</p>

  9. <p>Hey Tom. I totally agree with most of what has been said above.<br>

    Be prepared, be confident (or at least fake it). You might also show them a few examples of images from magazines etc to establish ideas and work from there. Compliment your subjects and reassure them of how well they are doing during the shoot. And also it really doesn't hurt to have a few funny things to say to break the ice. Oh yes and Jesse is 110% correct about light refreshments. Cool drinks in summer and warm in winter at the very least.<br>



  10. <p>I'm working on both my photographic and photoshop skills and would like to know if I'm doing the right things here.<br>

    I've submitted this image in the ratings section and received mixed results from 6/6 to 4/3.<br>

    Would love to hear some real opinions and considerations... don't worry I'm a big boy and can handle it.<br>

    <img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/8827822-lg.jpg" alt="" width="664" height="442" /></p>



  11. After only being a member for a short time I too have noticed most lower ratings are inexplicably offered anonymously without reason.

    If PN is indeed serious about educating those of us wishing to learn more and improve our budding skills, surely it would offer a more developed critique method. Aesthetics and originality are very broad terms when delivered below the belt from the relative sanctuary of anonymity.

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