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Posts posted by daniel_alvarez

  1. Arthur I agree with you there. And also agree that this is in fact one of those comparisons we

    could be endlessly discussing. I mentioned the "bulky" thing as for me bulky are systems like

    the Pentax 67 or Mamiya RB or RZ systems (all great cameras but huge).

    Agree that your imagined Mamiya 6 wud be an amazing one.


    In the end it's good we have such great cameras to do what we love to do!

  2. Mamiya 7 bulky? Compared to what 6x7 MF system? Don't wanna know what u think of the

    Pentax 67! it's technically impossible that a 6x7 camera can be much smaller than the

    Mamiya 7 is... if you think about it the proportions to a Leica M6 are similar.


    But then again with Leica manufacturing more digital equipment it seems to me that a move

    to MF is quite unlikely. And Mamiya has covered that MF RF niche with superb cameras like

    the Mamiya 6 and 7 (and their great lenses). I could only think of a fully mechanical version of

    the Mamiya 7II (and 6 why not) that wud be my dream.

  3. So I know it wasn't my first choice but I found a perfectly working and slight wear signs R4

    with a clean Elmarit 35/2.8 for 800E (around USD 1160). Any opinions on that set?

    Also an MP4 (just body) in an excellent state for 590E (USD 855).


    The guy from the shop (a reliable guy I know) told that if I want a 50mm lens set I'd rather

    go for a Contax body and a Zeiss Lens as it's as good as Leica but if my choice is 35mm

    i'd better stick with Leica as their 35mm lenses are better than Contax or anybody's.


    Also I shud add that i'm in no rush to buy, I can wait a bit to find a set that is reasonably

    priced when the time comes.


    Thanks again everybody for the feedback your info is very much appreciated


    Andrew Lamb - I checked you portfolio and I love it! Great work! May I ask which

    equipment do you usually use for your commercial work? I know it's an annoying question

    but I'm very curious! Thank you

  4. Wow thanks so much to the whole community for your fast replies!

    It shows again that this forum is an unvaluable source of information and inspiration.


    Regarding your feedback:


    I meant "update" as my 35mm equipment is an old Praktika TL with a 50/f1.9 lens. It

    worked perfectly (for its purpouse) but recently hasnt and thought of "updating" it. Im

    more than happy with my MF equipment (specially with that IMHO amazing RF camera that

    the Mamiya 7II is).


    Thanks for giving me so much info. I went to an actual shop today and checked the Leica

    equipment they had. That and your comments made me think that probably the R6.2 and

    the M6 are the best choices. Both are light and small (M6 more of course). I know SLRs

    and RFs are very different cameras but as I'm used using both in MF I don't really mind

    either or.


    As for the lenses I will go the Summicron 35mm way. I read great reviews and seen great

    results with it. And it's a plus that is pefect for b&w.


    So my question is: Do you know any online stores that will sell second hand Leica

    equipment at reasonable prices? I've already checked keh, adorama and periodically ebay.


    Again thanks so much for your help!

  5. Hi!

    So here's my question. I want to update my 35mm system as lately I've only invested in MF systems and

    my 35mm system is quite outdated.

    I'm seriously considering to move into a Leica system wether if it's and R or M system for quality



    Although the R systems are closer to my financial possibilities.

    Practically all my photography is street photo (where I use a Mamiya 7ii and sometimes a M645) and some

    landscape and portraits (mainly M645).


    My intention is to use that 35mm system as a more 'to go' equipment and street but with high quality

    results. I shoot color negative, b/w, and slides depending on the subject.

    I know the M systems have high praise but are IMHO quite overpriced.


    So in short I want to know which Leica R system do you recommend and if there is a big quality difference

    with the M systems. Im more of a manual photographer and not particularly keen on "auto" features so i

    don't mind (at all) fully mechanical systems (although a meter is more than welcome).


    My first options from what I read in this (great) forum are R5, R6 and 6.2, R7 and M6.


    Im interested in a Summicron 35/f2. Any comments/critiques on that lens?


    I would highly appreciate your feedback!


    Thank you very much!



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