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Posts posted by paulmac

  1. <p>Thanks for the rapid responses. EUREKA! Nathan you pointed me in the right direction! I couldn't find any high ISO noise reduction in the custom functions but I <em>did</em> find an 'Add original decision data' function that was set to on. I turned it off and now it's shooting like dream. Thanks a million to all of you you've really made my day!</p>
  2. <p>I would just like to ask if anyone has experience of a difference in buffer speeds between 5Ds with a serial no. starting with "0" or "1" compared to ones starting with "2". I have had one of the latter models, bought used, for over a year. I have just bought another used 5D to replace a 40D and notice that the buffer seems to be slower and that the photo takes considerably longer, 2 to 3 seconds, to appear on the LCD after taking a shot. This the second 5D I've looked at in the last week.I returned the first one because I thought there was a problem but the one I have just bought behaves exactly the same way. Both of these recently tested ones have the latest firmware, and ironically my original 5D (the faster one) has the the old firmware. I'm a bit baffled. The one I have just bought was well cared for and had little use. Any ideas? I've still got a few days to give it back, but it just seems to be great in all other aspects.</p>
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