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Posts posted by davidwarman

  1. Not sure you really want to if you are Mac based. The only save mode that renders anything is Extract to JPEG. And no compression control. Everything else - tiff, or printing (!) - just yields a slightly grey blank image with a date on the lower right. And yes, I did get the latest upgrade from the Pentax site.


    If anyone knows the fix please do tell. At the very least, I need to convert PEF to something the other images processors can use!

  2. I bought a K100D because I own some excellent K series lenses from the '70's. I did have one problem that took a while to solve: the lense faceplate shorted out the sensor contacts on the camera body, which caused the lens to not stop down when taking pictures. I solved this with some fine drafting tape (not sure of the brand, but very thin orange non-conducting stuff) over the area on the lense where the sensor contacts are.
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