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Posts posted by mike_walker11

  1. I like to do the same kind of photography you do, I have been honing my skills with the d70. I am ready yo upgrade as well You might look at a good used Fuji S5 body or canon 5d, judging from the photos I have seen both can deliver pro quality images and probably better at lowlight considering the d300 starts noise reduction at iso 800 in .jpg for sure not sure about .nef. I have had both 50mm 1.8 and the 50mm 1.4 For lowlight the 1.4 makes a difference for focus and metering well woth it. I have shot with the 85mm 1.4 and 85mm 1.8

    once again I think in this case the 1.4 really smokes the 1.8. For lowlight performance photography high iso and faster shutter speeds are a priority. Personally I would buy a 85mm 1.4 and a S5 you will be in heaven with this. Forget about 3 lenses for 1k your wishing. You can get 3 devices that will attach to a camera for 1k but not 3 lenses that will produce the kind of quality I hear from you.<div>00NcGZ-40314884.jpg.edafcac2465ddbe620133d209d5e0736.jpg</div>

  2. STOP, you only get one chance to photograph this event. I Agree with most the advice above as far as technique goes. Except that as the father of a performing artist, I recommend you rent, painful as it may be, cough up a hundred bucks or whatever and rent a 5d and better lens.

    I flew from San Diego to Montreal to see my daughters premier with the Cirque Du Soleil, I snuck in a camera. I wanted to rent a 5d and pro lens or an S5 and a pro lens but scheduling prevented it. I was left with my nikon d70 and 50mm 1.8. I got enough good keepers for the photo album, BUT. If I had an extra 2 stops of usable iso better glass and another stop on the lens it would have made a very big difference. I am tired of battling for that little extra because I am too cheap. I am not bad mouthing the entry level cameras they are fantastic but when it comes to once in a lifetime performances you need the best. ALL the photographers above will agree that when it comes to stage lighting/ perfomance photography an extra couple of stops and the BETTER in camera meter can make or break a shoot. This is not like vacation photos. Having a lot of emotions around this subject, I will add: It's always sad when you have an amazing shot but

    the forehead is blown out or similar so practice a lot before the event really know the capabilities of your gear. Do not use the event as a practice session.<div>00NaSp-40271784.jpg.6f8019910d935c92d773f01b567b6e83.jpg</div>

  3. Paul,

    Your singing to the choir, been there, being a world travelled backpacker, I just never photographed.

    I was thinking of researching older 50's and 60's publications to find locations. On my first trip to the Colorado Plateau I found it difficult to get any information about locations due to the vandalism. Any suggestions for finding the lesser known.

  4. great info, I wouldn't have thought of as I am entering into this phase of photography. I am a little skeptical that the 1ds MKll can deliver 40x50 scrutinized gallery prints. To determine my smaller format I'll have to rent the canon and the Mamiya make a few tests before I go. The 4x5 or 5x7 are a given, anyway what a fun learning curve.
  5. Hi everyone,

    I am planning a trip to the Colorado Plateau to backpack and photograph

    Pictographs and Petroglyphs. Ideally I am thinking handheld Mamiya7 but not

    sure if that can do 40x50 prints. The 40 x 50 print is the driver behind my

    equipment selection as wells as price. I need suggestions for 4x5, tripod and

    lens for this specific application. This may sound crazy but I will not be

    doing a lot of scenics/ landscape there. So lens selection would probably be

    different definetely want the good lenses though. Thanks for any advice on this


  6. Marc,

    Not sure if you have owned MF before or not, there are a few considerations really not related to the specific question.

    Those considerations ie backs fatser lenses etc are beyond this scope.

    To your question ---Do it, you can't go wrong. Later you will probably want interchangeable backs so you might look at the RB.

    I am in the same boat you are in, I sold my P67 a few years ago very sorry I did.

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