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Image Comments posted by ciofalo

    Lonely ant


    Critique please, thank you. I am an absolute newcomer as far as macro

    is concerned, and I am not too happy of these first attempts. The depth

    of field is miserable, the annular flash creates unpleasant reflections,

    and so on. Any constructive criticism is welcome.

  1. Giulio, you here, of all people! It's a small world. As to nuclear safety, I swear I saw a similar holy image stuck on a wall when I visited Superphenix in the far away 1988... Better not to take risks.

    woman in red

    I see that the good old Fiat has been completely re-painted (from blue to green) since your previous photo ("Fiat girl"). Good job, please tell me who your painter is - I need a bit of repainting job in my old Citroen. Jokes apart, you show a great image processing skill and an excellent taste. I must agree that an older suitcase would have been more appropriate, but perhaps you were looking for this contrast.
  2. What is the matter with the people in the background? They seem grotesquely distorted or wearing masks. The composition would benefit from a drastic crop of the left side, leaving Christ on the left rather than in the present, central position and balancing it with the terrace and the people.


    Aha! at last a flower shot with a personality! It is good to see how you turned a common object into an alien landscape by a drastic cropping and a right choice of the light.

    Just a pelican

    My dear Jeff, I am so glad you are still around this site! I confess I looked in your page a few weeks ago, but I did not find recent postings or other signs of activity, so I supposed you had got tired of PN and had turned to more serious business... Jokes apart, I trust we will exchange some enjoyable opinions in the near future. As to this photo, well, aehm, I did try to post the whole bird initially (yes, I had it whole in the camera), but the cold response it got here persuaded me that something was wrong - first thing I did, I cropped the picture as you now see it. Luckily it was a 14 Mpixel picture, so I had plenty of room for cropping. Thank you for your comment, and take care!


    L, there is something wrong in this photo. From the bits of string I see, from the title of the folder, and from the twin picture you posted, I suspect this to represent a puppet, but probably it shouldn't have taken that long... Too little of the strings can be seen in the image. Beautiful colors and overall treatment of the idea.


    ...that you crop the top immediately above the reflected buildings, and the right so as to leave out the rightmost building? This way, the glass becomes much less obvious and you have - of course, only at the very first sight - the impression of a background which is oddly distorted - a nice visual impact. As it is, those half flags spoil everything...

    Field of bread II

    The treatment of the foreground is superb, but in my opinion the sky is too harshly saturated and contrasts innaturally with the softer tones of the wheat. Perhaps the sky and the glow of the sun should be slightly darkened and de-saturated to match the foreground better. Just an attempt to turn a splendid photo into a perfect one.
  3. A splendid subject and an excellent composition, but I am not completely happy with the treatment of the sky (which looks cloned from a different picture and does not match the tones in the ground and the flock) and with the excessive, digitally forced, softness of the fields.
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