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Posts posted by tony_leinster

  1. In the future all pictures will be taken via your variable focal length contact lenses. They will be stored in supplementary memory implants in your brain where AI chips will do automatic processing for later instant recall and/or Wifi connection to display and communication devices for transmission to friends, family etc. Oh and some of us old fuddy duddys will also be able to transmit the images to an automated printer for a good old fashioned hard copy to decorate our habitation modules.

    Now tell me I'm wrong ! 😧

  2. Exactly my point, no one seems to be running the site apart from a few mods. I know it is powered by Envision but they normally charge fees so is anyone paying them? The person who was setting up the new version of the site has not been active for some time. If you know who actually owns or runs the site can you let me know, I can find no information other than historic references. I am only interested in what happens going forward. I have been a member here for many years and am concerned for the future 

  3. So sad that this site seems to be falling by the wayside, no-one seems to be doing anything apart from the photographers and some of the Mods. Even many of the Mods haven't visited for years1 The site needs sorting to make it more user friendly but has the potential to be a really fun forum. If there is anyone out there in authority please let us know what is going on.

  4. I recently went to the Ansel Adams exhibition in

    London and would second Alex's comment. Having

    admired Ansels work via books etc. for many years I

    was blown away by the actual prints. The difference

    in quality between the real thing and any other

    poster or book reproduction was amazing. There was

    also a video display running with interviews with

    the photographer discussing his printing methods. He

    was very specific about starting with as perfect as

    possible negatives but still reckoned 60% in camera

    40% in darkroom.

  5. <p>I have to say that the site seems to be taking an interminable time to load these days, usually seems to stick on the "delivery.ads- " etc. etc. loading, once that changes most of the other stuff that is loaded goes through fairly quickly. Anyone got any thoughts on this?</p>
  6. <p>Sorry but the connect picture is not exactly blindingly good quality is it. I do carry a cellphone but would only use its camera to make a record where photo quality was not an issue. I also carry a camera most of the time, I can get my NEX 7 and two zoom lenses in the pockets of an anorak or I carry a small shoulder bag. One day maybe cellphones will catch up with cameras for quality but not yet I think. Until then I will use mine for making phone calls, its damn good at that!</p>
  7. @Allan Jamieson,

    What about LCE, Park Cameras, Castle Cameras not to

    mention all the independents around the country. OK

    so not national outlets as such but certainly not

    supermarkets or John Lewis, all give good service,

    good prices and have actual shops where you can

    handle goods. Support your local dealer!

  8. <p>More accurately because they either did not have or did not implement a plan B. Other retailers are surviving, mainly because they have identified where their business does well and worked on that area of the market. Jessops have basically rolled on trying to be all things to all people without being particularly good at any one thing. Unless retailers realise that they have to react to the market they will not survive. Without the guiding hand of someone like Alan Jessop at the helm this chain was always struggling because the people (banks, accountants etc.) that were in charge just didn't understand the market they were in. Same went for Tecno by the way! </p>
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