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Image Comments posted by chris_panagiotidis

  1. @Jack: Grateful thanks for the kind comment! No, I did not have a tripod, nor a fast lens or a latest, high ISO capable camera. I did what I could with what I had, trying to captivate the cheerful moments the children were having while sharing with their candles' light
  2. ...thanks! The venue is Athens (mentioned in the photo description) , the archaeological site of the Roman Agora, neighboring the Ancient Agora. The dominant octagonal structure is a marble tower constructed by Andronikos Kirristos (1st cent. bC) and it worked as a clock with hydraulic and mechanical mechanisms. On the outer surface a solar clock hour lines can still be seen. On the tower frieze there are the anaglyphs of the winds , eight in total, presented as winged figures. This unique building that made it till our days ,has had an immense influence on the neo-classic architecture



    Thank you Larry for the visit, feedback and the time you took to "simplify" the busy bottom left part of the image.  Though your composition proposal was the obvious one , I finally opted for the cafe inclusion  because there was too much shadow on the pebbles. On top of that, if you noticed, the diagonals   of the flower pots the shore, waves, top right and top left cloud formations intersect where the white edifice is, becoming the centrifugal point of the photo- too important to omit!

    November 3rd.


    Hi Bela, I was more than sure that you would have remedied it- and what a remedey it is! I want to add to the previous comment- blue hue apart- that the success of the composition is much owed to the "aggressive" formation of the tree branches ( obviously by winds)  which form a triangle with the bare roots/rock . Applause! Kind regards

  3. ... Hi Bela, thank you for the feedback provided and the technical suggestions. This shot was taken with an action camera ( a Sony model) which gives an immense 170° coverage, almost a fisheye  vision. The vegetation in front of my feet was very shaded and decided to keep it that way . Only the palace in the distant background and the gardens in the far right were bathed in the late afternoon sunlight. Generally, the procedure you kindly suggested is more or less the one I use . Thank you again, for the suggestions, I really appreciate it. You prompt me try a second approach on this  following the guideline you propose- will do it for sure! 

    November 3rd.


    So similar and so different than its black &white sibling! I think it was wise to convey different composition approach for each medium, thus never competing but completing each other. I cast my hesitant vote to  this color version  for the exceptional quality of the light the lone tree , its roots and close by rock  are clad with . The bluish cast of the cloudy sky in a perfect world would be a tad warmer, but we don't live in a perfect world.

    Grateful thanks for the kindest comment on  "shades" that brought a blush and an utmost joy. 

  4. ...Petraki, file mou ( long no see!), for your country's famous poet. If I may, poetry is the highest level a language can reach, especially the best samples of it. Poetry cannot be translated, but can be felt. But it must be read. Very warm regards , my friend, I cannot decipher the presence of the derelict house , but I like the composition ( perhaps it is an allegory of the poet's poverty if ALL of his fellow countrymen did NOT read his poetry  ( which I know it is translated in several slavonic languages and french)

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