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Posts posted by ifotoman

  1. Jeremy's answered the question for me.... It's not me afterall...I've decided to save for a Nikon 300..and Rob and Ron, thanks for your suggestions... didn't know that even opening a Jpeg dooms it, I knew that saving and changing them would. What I normally do is I open the Jpegs in Tiff format and then go on from there...regarding Raw, which sliders do I stay off to minimise artifacting?
  2. I've been shooting with my dated Canon G6 for some time now. However this is

    plagued by Jpeg artifacting and have had a lot of my work returned from

    stockphoto sites due to artifacting. I've been wondering whether to move up to

    an SLR. But I do so love the convenience of a P&S... so handy...unobstrusive

    and no dust problems! Can anybody recommend a P&S that is not plagued by

    artifacting problems with image quality approaching Digital SLR quality... I

    know it's probably a pipe dream but thought I'd try my luck with all you good

    people out there at PN!

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