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Posts posted by brucimus

  1. Ryan's response is good, although, in terms of website design, no self-respecting photographer would seriously ask someone to post a $200 website. He gets paid for what he does and so should web designers. Always remember, you get what you pay for, usually a $200 website, LOOKS like a $200 website. Good to get it cheaply, or barter and trade, but always respect those in the professional community around you.
  2. Have you thought about calculating how long it took you to shoot the image? Set up time, equipment usage, rent on the studio space (yes, even if it's your spare bedroom...) What kind of hourly wage do you want to earn? Then look online for similar images, with iStock photo people can buy images rather cheaply these days, how likely will they be able to find something similar? If your image is unique enough, and your fees reasonable, why shouldn't you make at least a few hundred bucks on it? You have the experience and know-how AND equipment, for that you should be compensated. Hope this helps, good luck!
  3. I graduated from the Ringling College of Art and Design, a very similar program to SCAD, very expensive school, but a great program. The degree I earned has taken me places I never imagined and was worth every penny (I think I'll be paying this off until I'm 60!) Not only does the reputation of that school follow me from job to job, but the alum network is great, people all around the world with the same degree I have, I am welcomed into their homes and have great networking contacts. If you have the opportunity and can afford it, it's worth the effort to go to SCAD, it's considered part of the IVY league of art colleges. Those who haven't gone to a art school and only know state schools, don't know the depth of this kind of a degree. Talk to someone in their career services department and get a bearing on placement after college and salary expectation. Hope this has helped! Good luck!
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