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Image Comments posted by oliver_smith1

  1. Very cool! A splash of colour and curves against the straight lines of the drab brickwork. Very good sightlines draw your eyes to the Fiat. Shame about the silver car giving the game away that there is actually a road up there, otherwise it would be perfect.



    I'll second that. I like the lighting on the bike but not the reflection. If the bike was parked next to a puddle it would either be a perfect mirror, or rippling out radially not linearly. To get the ripple effect you have here you'd have to park right next to a river. And who would do that? So to me it looks too fake. Plus I can see the black curtain at the top right. And how come I can't see the kick-stand? Try again with the bike actually outside and next to a puddle. You won't have the same control over the lighting but it will be real!


    Sorry to be mean but you did ask! I'll also confess that I'm no fan of photoshop, so my opinion may be slightly prejudiced...

  2. I love the highlighted ropes against the shadow of the hull, and the framing of "France 1" between these ropes. Strong shapes and lines- colour would have been a distraction so good use of sepia.


    I think somebody needs to buy a new wing mirror. Would rather there was something interesting reflected in the mirror. That may be a cliche, but it would make for a much better photo!
  3. Yawn, another boat-on-a-beach shot... But I like it (actually I love

    it), as the focus is on the boat and the BMX, and the beach is of

    secondary importance. The only thing I'm not 100% sure about is the

    composition. I've tried to get the rule of thirds in there, but is the

    bike looking into the shot or out of it?

    Working out...

    Fantastic! I prefer the original to the squared. The diagonals seem to fit better, and there is more sky to balance out the dune. Excellent lighting, I love the highlighted figures against the shadowed side of the dune, and that there is still some detail in the shade.



    I don't think the cut-off tyre is an issue, if anything it adds to the photo- it implies movement as he's riding faster than you can pan. If you had panned further down you would have cut the van in the background in half. If you had fired the shutter earlier the bike would be too far to the left. So I think you've chosen the best composition available for a "snatched" photo.


    That stubby tie, however, is another issue...

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