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Posts posted by oliver_smith1

  1. <p>Another latecomer to the party- Satoru, Nick didn't deny that he used a free lensing technique at all. He states that the focal plane effects were done in-camera, and that:<br>

    "All anyone really needs to know is that I work in a very very impractical way - very manually - and lose a crazy number of potentially great shots with all the faffing around I do."<br>

    Understandably he doesn't want to give away his secrets, but free lensing (to get the focal plane effects) hasn't been ruled out.</p>

  2. <p>Apologies for the thread revival but I'm on the same quest as Roman. My 124G is a proper beater, but the pictures I get from it are stunning (to me anyway).<br>

    <br /><a href=" Aventador

    <br />However, the camera is quite a fiddle to use. The viewing screen is dim, the shutter doesn't always fire at the first press. I've since tried a Bronica ETRSi and a Mamiya RZ67- the cameras were more user friendly but I still prefered the results from the Yashica. The Bronica was nothing special, whereas the Mamiya 110/2.8 is razor sharp, but unforgiving.<br>

    <br />I'm slowly learning that "sharp" doesn't necessarily mean "good", but I don't have the vocabulary to describe what it is I love about the Yashinon. Bueh B's boring Yashica shot is a good example, it's beautiful! I'm currently experimenting with a Pentax 67, fingers crossed; but if anyone can recommend a MF camera with the Yashinon look I'm all ears!</p>

    <p> </p>

  3. Interesting. I've been a member for nearly a year, and although I've put my photos forward for critiques I've yet to rate anyone else's work. The reason? I don't think I'm qualified (same problem as Mike Blackley in the "Trying to grow as a photographer" thread). I could rate photos, but that would just be a measure of how much I like them, my own opinion- which to my mind is different to a critique. I don't have any formal arts training, so I don't think my comments would actually be useful. As opposed to Mark Chartrand with his four Master's Degrees. Mark, I'd love you to review my portfolio- please be as harsh as you like, I'd rather get some criticism I can learn from than a pat on the back!
  4. I know I'm bringing up an old post here, but I've just bought a Pen FT and have found a few places that process half frame in the UK. Just had the first roll done at Moorfields, quite pleased with the results.




    And a few others to be found on google. Half frame lives on!







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