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Image Comments posted by yossi_kolesnicov

    Dune #1




    The picture is very nice, but comparisons to Ansel Adams' works are in order. In your other nature pictures I can see too the influences of Adams, which is great, since you do them with great technical ability, but lacking in originality, in my opinion.


    Beautiful picture, but the tree on the left is in the way, IMO. The green really shouldn't be there. Aside from that, beautiful. The dog really gives it life.


    Beautiful. I love the figure, with its many shades of gray, and the dark background fits it perfectly, not losing any detail. I don't know about fear, but there's certainly much emotion in this picture. Keep it up!



    I think first of all this picture came out humoristic, but there's

    something other than that, a statement about beauty I wanted to make.

    Thoughts, anyone?

  1. Beautiful colors, amazing place, but I feel like the framing could've been better. Maybe put the tower more to the center? And also maybe a bit more of the building at the bottom could've been better. Very beautiful to look at in any case.
  2. I like this picture very much. I like the perspective, the left edge straight with the frame, and to the right distorted, and leading to that side. The only thing I don't like is the plaque, seems out of place there. Great picture, though, keep it up!
  3. It shouldn't be too easy getting a still image of Ian Anderson performing on stage, so this is definitely a good picture, good lighting too, but I'm sure you have more interesting pictures of Ian, he's quite an interesting fellow to watch on stage.
  4. When I took this picture, I was interested in the fly that landed

    before me on the table, but I don't know if that's what it really is.

    I mean, the fly is almost insignificant, compared to the rest of the

    picture. I like this picture, but I really can't say if I can say

    it's a "fly portrait" or not. Comments?

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