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Posts posted by bernie_.

  1. <p>You guys are great. Thank you very much. Well, I'm gonna stick with the Summar and the v4 'Cron. I love these two lenses, that's a fact. And the 'Cron is really magical. I cannot imagine an ASPH version of this lens.<br>

    Maybe my mind is playing tricks... :-)<br>

    Thanks again.</p>

  2. <p>Hello</p>

    <p>I only shoot b&w and I have a tabbed 80s Summicron (same optical formula than the new one without tab) and it's my standard 50mm. Also, I have a Leitz Summar from 1936 for those moments when I really want a true vintage look. But recently I'm starting to think if I'm losing something in my photography with this set and I wonder if I should sell both lenses and buy a collapsible Summicron or a Rigid one. In this way I'd get the best of two worlds - a stellar performer with an unique vintage look.</p>

    <p>Thanks in advance for your responses.</p>

  3. Hello


    I have a Red Filter from B+W (090, Wratten 25). It's the only filter I use with black and white film. I only use it for dramatic purposes in

    certain occasions. Now I want to expand my filter usage and I just want to know which filters for black and white (HP5) are the best option.

    I'm thinking in the B+W Yellow-Green (060, Wratten 11) and one of these alternatives:


    - B+W Medium Yellow (022, Wratten 8) and B+W Yellow Orange (040, Wratten 16).


    Cons: Maybe the Medium Yellow is similar to the Yellow Green with clouds and the sky. I also think that the Medium Yellow maybe is

    useless with modern film and leses of today.


    - B+W Dark Yellow (023, Wratten 15) and B+W Red Orange (041, Wratten 22)


    Cons: Maybe the Red Orange is very similar to my Red Filter.



    Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

  4. Hello


    Thank you for all your responses. There is true knowledge in this forum. I put my hands

    on the Rollei again and I notice new flaws. The wind lever is not smoth as my Mat. And the

    speed and aperture knobs are hard to rotate. I'm wondering how a camera in this cosmetic

    condition (lens and body are pristine) has this flaws... shutter speeds, wind lever, meter,



    Sergio, the camera doesn't come with the original incident light meter. The other

    accesories are great for the price.


    My dilemma is that I don't know if it is worth to replace a mint and reliable Mat 124G from

    the early 70s for a Rollei Planar which needs a really serious CLA.


    Decisions, decisions, decisions...


    Anyway, thank you for all your comments and thoughts.

  5. I find a Rolleiflex Planar 3.5 with selenium meter in very good cosmetic shape. The seller wants for the

    camera 400 euros and it comes with case, strap, hood with case, UV filter with case, Rolleikin and macro

    lens with case. Everything in very good shape.


    The problem is that the selenium meter is not really accurate and the slow shutter speeds don't work

    properly. Some speeds don't work and shutter stay always open. The camera needs a serious CLA and it

    will cost me 100 euros aprox.


    I have a Yashica Mat 124G. And my question is: Is it worth the Rolleiflex in this working condition for that

    price? Will I really notice differences between the Mat?


    Thank you very much in advance.



  6. Thanks for all your responses. I'm planning to keep the 124G. I suspect that the Yashinon of

    the EM is a little bit different from the 124G's Yashinon. Ok, it's the same formula, but the

    rendition of color is clearly different if you search in flickr. Even the black and withe pics have

    another light rendition. I know that is difficult to make a statement from flickr photos, but it's

    hard to believe that the Yashinon did'nt change through years and years of Mat development.

    But the Em looks so cool...


    Best regards.

  7. Thanks for all your responses. I was plannning to sell the 124G and buy the EM, with a

    extrenal meter. But I don't know if it's worth. Maybe I must save for a Rolleiflex. Decisions,

    decisions, decisions... anyway, it's great to read good comments about the EM. I think

    Yashica is probably the most underrated brands in history... nobody have negative thoughts

    about their cameras.


    Best regards

  8. Hello!


    I have a Yashica Mat 124G and I'm very happy with the results. But I don't like the "plasticy" feeling of the

    camera and I've been thinking about "downgrade" to a Mat EM. I've found one really really minty. It looks



    Is the lens of the EM exactly the same formula of the Mat124G



    People say that the EM selenium meter is not accurate but... how

    much? Is it usable anyway? Is really better the 124G meter?


    Which camera do you think is better besides the cosmetic considerations (plastic vs metal) EM, 12, 124 or



    Thank you very much

  9. Hello!


    I have several film cameras and one little digicam (D-Lux 3) I rarely use. It's a expensive camera and I feel

    guilty. Sometimes I plan to sell it, but then I think about the convenience of having a digital camera in this

    digital world.


    The problem is that I don't feel nothing looking through a LCD screen and developing a RAW file. But, in

    the other hand, I'm always excited with the idea of shooting with any of my film cameras, developing the

    film in the bathroom and scanning it with the Epson.


    ... just thinking. Thank you for your comments.


    Best regards.

  10. Hello


    This morning I heard something (a little loose piece) inside the M6's rangefinder. When I try to focus with

    any of my lenses the double image doesn't move from infinity. Is it serious?


    It's a Weltzar M6 and it's time for a CLA. I'm going to send it to Solms but I'm worry about the service and

    the possibility of remove the original "Leitz" logo.


    Thanks in advance for your comments and responses.

  11. I'm very excited with this lens. I bought it beacause I love the glow of the pics I see of this lens.

    Definitively the lens I have is uncoated but it has few little bubbles inside. The front element has cleaning

    marks but the rear element is pristine. Cosmetically is in very good shape but the aperture ring not very

    smooth but it's usable without problems.


    I show you some pics. Opinions are welcome. I'm going to make some test shots next week.


    Thank you very much guys.

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