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Image Comments posted by dgilson



    I really like this photo. The catch light in the eyes. The smile. The colors.

    The only nit is the color of her skin. It seems a little green to me.

    Have you adjusted the color temp/tint? If not you might want git that a try.

    Celeste Parker


    I like everything about this photo except the color of the leotard.  It fades into the background.  My suggestion would be to either change the background color or change the leotard color. 

    Lighting is good.  I like the eye contact of the model. The pose is a series of triangles. Keeps my eyes bouncing around looking at the model. 

    I hope this helps.  




    This is a perfect picture for the saying...

    It is not what you show,  it is how you don't show it. 

    The photo has a nice balance,  good eye contact and a pretty lady who is just teasing the audience,  saying look at me.

    Does it really matter what category it goes in? 

  1. Some reasons for the 8 loco's:

    On a really heavy train they might need 8 even on relatively flat areas.  

    They might need to release some of the loco's at a different places along the route.

    The freight might be under a very tight schedule and they don't have enough fuel to make it straight through on a set of 4 so they can alternate using the other 4.  The belly tanks hold >2000 gallons of diesel.  Even with a 20Gal/min pump it takes a while to fill.  Also diesel foams when pumped at high speed.  So you have to pump then wait for the foam to die back then pump some more.  

    Or a mix of the above. 


    I wonder how many cars on the train.  When I was in high school we got stuck behind a 8 loco.  It had 124 cars most with heavy equipment.  It was only a few miles from the yard and at best was moving only a few mph.   We were there for almost an hour watching it go by.  Glad the parents were not upset getting home later than we supposed to. 

    Bristlecone Pine


    Bristle cone pine trees are the oldest living things on earth.

    They live above the tree line at elevations above 9500 feet.

    The parking lot for the visitor's center is a 10001 feet. This tree is a few

    hundred feet higher.


    What do you think? Suggestions?

  2. Alf, thanks for the comments.  I have a few different angles of this.  One as you suggest. The clouds rolled in just minutes before I took this series.   A few minutes later they blocked the sun and the light was gone. 

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