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Image Comments posted by d_s31

    Detalle de la cabeza

    As someone who's chased down insects myself, this is an excellent composition that took a lot of time and patience! Even if you got lucky and stumbled upon this animal, you recognized a beautiful shot! 7/7!

    Venice Sleeping

    I like it. It draws the viewer in. I do think that this might look better in color. If you can. (It doesn't say what you shot this with.) But that's my personal preference - Mediterranean countries look much better, in my eyes, when they're in color.

    hook and rollers

    If you were able, moving to the left and pivoting to the left more so that the viewer can see further down the factory. And have the hanging rollers (?) off to the right. That way the viewer will be drawn into the photo. I'm making a lot of assumptions about what the rest of the factory looks like, such as the factory continues a way to the left and the machines on the right go on for couple of more.

    Just my $0.05 (weak dollar)
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