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mr. thimble

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Image Comments posted by mr. thimble

  1. my two cents,

    i don't really care for this photo that much. it is nice, has good aesthetic quality, technically it worked out, but i find whatever that is in front of his face behind him and out of focus very distracting. Highlights are in the right spots, but so?

    And why do you always get those guys that insist on changing the picture, LEAVE it alone, it's his picture not yours, go take your own photo. let's see if it will make POW!

  2. This may come as a surprise but i decided to invest in an agfa scanner instead of a new camera. Now whenever I want to take an pictures I haul out the scanner, an electrical cord and a couple of lights...PRESTO, digital camera made easy. I have yet to acheive these kinds of results however, back to the drawing board.
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