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Posts posted by dtburkett

  1. I carry a small air horn can that I got at the local Walmart, I also carry bear grade pepper spray, but then again I often hike or hunt in bear country and I also carry pop tarts.


    Word of caution, don't shake the air horn can, it won't work properly.

    2nd word of Caution, both air and pepper spray have a shelf life.


    Never had any trouble with bear, deer, or coyotes. Although I did have to share my pop tarts one time.

  2. Thanks - The bar bag and/or paniers are good ideas for the bike.

    All my rides are on established bike trails and in the Chicago area that means hundreds of choices. No spills yet, knock on wood.


    I'll look at the Zing Pro for some extra protection but I'm really trying to find the all purpose pack that handles the camera equip mentioned plus most if not all the extras. And, obviously in the smallest size reasonable.


    The reason is I often stop on the bike trails for lunches, hikes, shopping, etc. and don't want to leave anything behind with the bike. That's why I use a pack for that stuff now.

  3. I'm at a point where I've read so many bag reviews that I'm lost again.

    I'm looking for an everyday bag. Any special purpose beyond that is day trip

    biking and hikes. 30-50 milers in the first case and 3-10 milers in the second.


    My equipment is a Canon 40D with grip, 70-200 f/4L is, 28-135, 17-55, 1.4x, 430ex.

    I would like to pack the body with the grip and 70-200 installed. When I'm not

    riding I will typically be carrying the camera. I will only ever add 1 long zoom

    prime to the inventory, but not in the near future.


    I always carry, towel, shirt, socks, gps, multi-purpose tools, bike tools, tube,

    drinks (not bags - bottles!), high energy snacks and a canon compact camera in

    my current pack.


    I've never had a camera bag. The 40D with normal lens fits into my current pack.

    Alas, no padding except the towel and shirt. Now that I've added the grip and

    longer lens I'm in trouble.


    Recommendations from the experienced would be appreciated.

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