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Posts posted by photophilchamp

  1. Both are pro-grade lenses (weatherproof), both are priced similar, the 12-60 is a different lens (more reach) but the 11-22 is a bit wider.


    I have the 11-22 and it's pretty sharp, even in the corners, even wide open. I also like it's finish, much superior to the kit lenses. I own the 14-54 which is a great compliment to it. The 12-60 replaces though the 11-22 and the 14-54. It all depends on what are your needs...

  2. The feeling alone of the 14-54mm is in my opinion way better than my old 14-45mm lens (I can't really compare it to the 14-42mm lens but I do know it is bigger and stronger). That alone was worth it for me. Also, the better F-stops of the lens is great, especially if you want to control the DOF. The lens also focuses very quickly, again comparing to my 14-45mm lens. You also add 12mm (24mm in film equivalent) to the reach of the lens. So, you end up with a more versatile lens. I don't regret buying the pro lens.
  3. If you've got enough money, why not the 35-100mm? It has a constant aperture of F2.0 and is used by many to photography sports events, especially indoors. You will get a good EFL of 200mm...which is enough to concentrate on one end of the ice.
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