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Posts posted by jeff_tiemann1

  1. I also am very frustrated with this site... I have access to a high speed 256k connection that normally renders a decent download time, but the B&H site really struggles... someone needs to either upgrade their equipment or begin trouble shooting... I feel sorry for the chaps out there trying to shop this site with a standard modem. Also, this problem could really cost B&H a lot of income if it continues. I find that many photo vendors have slow sites, but B&H takes the cake!!!!!!!
  2. Yet another alternative:


    I know that you're wondering about TP, but i would like to mention that Ilford PanF also can produce some pretty remarkable results when shot normal and developed in TMAX developer for the recomended times. I know that this sounds like an unlikely choice but it works great! I can get 16x20s from a 645 neg with hardly any grain... Food for thought. By the way, contrast is tons better in this film when developed with tmax as opposed to HC110.

  3. "There really is the NAM-1 adapter from Kyocera/Contax to use lenses from Contax

    645 with Contax N 1 and the upcoming Contax N Digital. Everything will work,

    even the autofocus! Perfect systems integration, no problems whatsoever."

    I too am really excited about this development! Although I prefer to shoot medium format, I was thinking of getting an better 35mm... how exciting it will be to have my beautiful Zeiss lenses monted to a 35mm camera and everything working such as autofocus... Can't wait to get my hands on one!

  4. I just bought my solution to this very problem... Dynalite UNI400jr. They are modeling lamps that are capable of running on either AC or DC. Output is 400ws. I bought them from B&H in a kit that comes with 2 lamps, stands, battery packs, umbrellas, chargers and case. I am very excited about having studio quality light indoors or outdoors with out extention cables running everywhere. I too considered Lumidyne for a battery powered studio but felt that there was not a lot of info availible. for my on camera strobe, I use METZ... Best of luck!
  5. Feddie,


    if your white seemless backdrop is producing grey tones, you should consider moving your lights further back... It sounds like your experiencing "fall-off" between your subject and your backdrop. Fall-off can be decreased by creating more similar distance between your subject and backdrop. Here's an example, meter the light where you subject wil be and then meter again on your back drop. If the readings are different, your film will read the backdrop darker than the subject. The further back you place your lights, the less difference you will have in the readings of your subject and your backdrop, thus, you will have a brighter white. The opposite is also true, if you move your light in really close, you can produce a dark gray back ground... Please forgive me if you already know this. Have fun

  6. I currently own a contax 645. I am really psyched about using my 645

    lenses on a 35mm body and having a lighter weight companion to my

    645! I'll bet that the Mamiya users will wish they'd bought into the

    contax system... Nonetheless, I can't wait to get my hands on one of

    these cameras.

  7. I agree... I too have a Contax 645 and I use a METZ MZ40-3i flash... it is an awesome combo! I do not use any of the auto modes however as I choose to do everything manually. The MZ40-3i has plenty of power and is very flexible and would be a much better match for your camera. Also, I have used the larger 60 series flashes with the Contax, but that requires you to wear a battery pack and deal with cords and all that stuff... The MZ40-3i is shoe mounted, fairly light and very manuverable. Best of luck
  8. Hello all,


    The other day I got a great deal on a METZ 40MZ-3i flash in Italy.

    The only down fall is that the instructions are only printed in

    Italian. I thought I would be able to find them on the METZ web site

    but I could not. I also emailed METZ requesting an english manual

    but have not gotten a response. Dose anyone know where I can find an

    english manual??? Thanks in advance!

  9. I have been using a borrowed metz 60ct4 and given that I always

    calculate my exposures and flash output manually, I really love this

    flash because of it's flexibility. I would like to lighten my load a

    little and was giving thought to getting a Metz 40mz3... I know that

    this unit is less powerful than it's big brother 60 series, but I am

    wondering if it is as flexible (in the manual mode) from low to high

    power. if any of you use the 40mz3, please write to me with your

    experience regarding this flash...


    Thank you



  10. I am a tech too... I serve in the US Navy as a Network / UNIX / NT administrator... I also run a small business as a photographer. when I leave the IT industry every day, I love to go into my dark room and create magic :-) I will probably own a digital camera one day but I will (God willing) always shoot / process / print the real stuff for my personal work. You can make a pot of soup from scratch or you can buy a can at the store, which do you prefer? I have seen some really beautiful work done with these digital products, mabey I am just trying to hang on to the past... I guess to me there is something kind of spiritual or organic about the whole film procces and as long as I am able, I will continue to work with film as much as possible. In 5 years, I'll probably be eating my words. One last question... will technology in film continue to advance or will it make way for the digital revolution?


    Jeff Tiemann

  11. Thanks Guys...


    I too have been wanting to add some additional lenses to my Contax 645 setup but I will choose the makro first since you all have such high oppinions of it. I think it will be great to have such a versitile lens as to do portraiture and closeup work all in one package. By the way, I have found this lens for a pretty good price at www.deltainternational.com


    Once again, thanks


    Jeff Tiemann

  12. I believe that once you get into medium format you'll never want to go back... Since you feel partial to 35mm, you may want to try something like a Contax 645 AF or Mamiya's 645 AF. I own the Contax and I love the camera and I love the increased possibilities with the larger format... I am even thinking about going square now :-) It is more expensive to shoot medium format, but you will get better results and will be able to charge more for your work. This is my oppinion of course. Once you see your first enlargement though, you'll be sold for life. Got to go for now, have fun!


    Jeff Tiemann Tiemann Photographie

  13. Jim,


    When I was shopping for my Contax, I did a lot of it via email. I would send email quotes to different vendors like Abbey / Calumet etc... I finally got a response from B&H and they had the best offer and this was it... $1700 for complete kit and an extra back of my choice for free. Unfortunately I had already bought from Penn Camera and although I got a good deal, I would have rather had the B&H offer but it came too late. Also I have not heard of a Zoom lens in the works... I have contacted Contax about the possibility of a leaf shutter lens as this would greatly enhace this system but they don't even have one of these in the works yet... very disappointing to me. Nonetheless, I love the camera, it's a great tool and the optics are really outstanding. I hope this is of help to you...


    Jeff Tiemann jbtiemann@saipan.navy.mil Tiemann Photographie

  14. I agree with the last guy... Actally I am getting really tired of this whole Zeiss and who ever else argument... I own Zeiss and I love Zeiss, they are the best lenses I have ever owned. Period. But I see tons of work out there being shot on other than Zeiss that is truly moving. I really belive that technique and an accute eye and attention to detail are really what we photographers need to be discussing here rather than who has the best or more appropriately the "most expensive" toys in their bag. I do not mean any disrespect to the participants of this forum, I am just getting annoyed woth all of the one-up-manship that goes on. By the way, I have tons of collegues that own Hassy 503s that are all loaded out with gadgets and such and they can't shoot for shit. Yes equipment is always a factor, but it will never replace solid understanding and technique


    Jeff Tiemann jbtiemann@saipan.navy.mil

  15. Hello All,


    I Shoot with a Contax 645 AF and I am looking for just the right

    flash set up for my system. Thus far I have been using a friend's

    METZ 60CT4 unit. I really love that flash but when I am shooting

    inside, I almost always bounce the flash. The problem comes when I

    change from landscape to portrait; I have to do all this funky stuff

    to get the flash pointed at the ceiling. I am going to get a

    Stoboframe Pro-Rl bracket which will allow me to always keep a flash

    pointed at the ceiling and rotate my camera with in the frame. My

    question is this: will a 60CT4 fit onto this frame or do I need to

    consider another type or brand of flash? What other Flashes are

    there that have the kind of power anf flexibility as the 60CT4? Is

    any one out there using Lumedyne? how do you mount the Lumedyne

    system to a camera, how do adjust the out put on the Lumedyne? Thank

    you in advance for any input.


    Jeff Tiemann Tiemann photographie



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