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Posts posted by chris_muller

  1. I just returned from a 11 day trip out west where i spent 5 days in Yellowstone. I didnt really have a choice for when i could go because i still attend school. If i could suggest one thing it is to split up ur stay between the north and south part of the park. A lot of people dont understand how big this park is and how much driving that you have to do to get around. By the end of the day i was completely exhausted from hiking and driving.


    As for animals, i saw every animal you could see at the park. I had the chance to photograph over 15 bears, 20 wolves, i watched a cyotie female feed her pups...and saw many other things.


    only good shots were in the morning and in the evening... during the day was just to hot and dead light.


    just my .02

  2. i was hoping to get some information on trip to alaska that i am

    planning for about 1 year from now. The main subjects for this trip

    are Eagles and Bears...since i am only in college and i am funding

    this trip for myself i need to cover the most ground in the shortest

    time. I want to be able to get pretty close to the Eagles and get

    within "photographing" distance of the bears.


    i will hopefully be renting a lense or 2 from a place in Seatle and

    picking up a car or RV in Alaska...any suggestions or advice are

    welcome...like time of year (especially to see the Salmon run) and

    places to stay.




  3. i gave my mom my old 10D so she could document all the birds that

    she sees while she is bird watching. she asked me the other day if

    she could hook the 10D up to a spotting scope. i know that if it

    were possible it wouldnt have the best quality but thats not exactly

    what shes after. this is more for documenting the birds not for

    framing on the wall


    if you have any ideas about what i could do because her B-Day is

    comin up quick and i gotta buy her the spotting scope and the mount

    if it excists



  4. thanks for this information...i dont do any of my own printing i take it to New York Camera and Video which is a great store and i do a lot of business with them...so how do i know if what i see on my screen is what they are goin to print out...how do i know what they use? the other reason im dissapointed in my pictures is that i want them to be sharper and be able to enlarge them over an 11x14. i shoot in raw but i dont get the whole sharpening thing...i dont understand it and i havent found an article or any info that describes it well enough, any suggestions?


    thanks again

  5. i have been working with digital for a little over a year now and i

    shoot a EOS 10D but i am still lost when it comes to getting them

    from the camera to the printer and getting the best quality. I know

    the 10D can do it but i havent figures out the way to get great

    prints. I shoot in raw and i use CS to edit and resize.

    the main reason i wrote this is that i wanted to know if i should

    set my 10D to Adobe RGB or should i set my paramaters?


    any help on sharpening whould help too...



  6. well thanks for the responses....it was just an idea...(that i will probably try anyway)...i think that i was thinking a little ahead of my league but i will imprivise and get back to you with the results....its kinda cold out but that might only add to the effect...

    thanks for your help

  7. I am a young ameature photographer and i have another hoppby of

    firearms...so hoping to combine the two i need some help with the

    lighting...i have a EOS 10D and a 550ex. these will be an outdoor

    shoot so do you think that i will be able to freeze the path of the

    bullet with the combination. any help would be appreciated!



  8. last friday i wanted to try out Sigma's new 120-300mm 2.8 so i went

    to New York Camera and Video in Southampton, Pa and they let me use

    it for 3 days, with a 2X coverter, for $150 ... which it thought was

    a great deal. i took it out to valley forge national park and took

    great morning shots of red foxs.. these pictures where some of the

    best i have ever taken with medium telephoto lens...with my 10D the

    lense was at 384-960mm at 5.6. These shots came out really nice and

    the lense has a lot of power for its size. just wanted to share my

    experience with the lens and ask if anyone else has anything to say

    about the lens before i go buy it!


  9. thanks for all your answers


    i have considered a Med format camera like RZ67 for my landscape prints but for my nature/animal prints i use my D30 and im not happy!! i love all the features but i cant blow up a photo past 8x10 without getting a lot of grain/noise. YES EVERYONE WANTS A 1Ds but thats not in my price range...19 years old...so how about this set up!


    Med format Camera (suggestions whould help)

    50mm lense

    Eos 10d/D60 (suggestions whould help)

    and my regular lenses

  10. ok...here is the deal


    i am only 19 but i have shot canon for about 5 years bt now im not

    sure what camera i want. I own a D30 and have about 4 lenses for it

    but im not sure if i want to stay with Canon. I want to stick to

    digital because it is the way of the future but i loved the size and

    quality of the prints that i got with a 645 that i rented.


    So here is the question....i want to upgrade to either a D60, 10D, or

    switch to a D1x. the only reason i want to do this is because i love

    to take landscapes and nature and ove to enlarge then to the big

    sizes... Are there any advantages to one over the other?


    any answers will help (my head is spinning)

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