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Posts posted by amy_r.

  1. OK, so I did a shoot recently with my Canon 5D - RAW and after I processed the

    images to JPEGs they are 36MB each. I have to give my client all the images on

    DVD, however I do not want to give 36MB images because then they will be able to

    make quality prints off of the DVD, which I do not want.


    I guess I would like to give the client images around 6MB, if possible. Is it

    possible to do this without using a program like Photoshop Elements, as the

    client will not be able to open them if they do not have PS elements on their



    Is this possible at all?

  2. Hi, I have searched extensively on this topic and tried what I am read and

    nothing has worked out thus far. I working on images in PHOTOSHOP ELEMENTS 2 to

    upload to my website. The color is horrible when I do the "save for web"

    option. The greens turn to brown and it's just bad.


    Now, I tried changing the color settings to "limited management" which was

    suggested and when I went to "save for web", I checked the box that said ICC

    sRGB. The image still looks really bad.


    Does anyone know what I am doing wrong? I am not very good with computers and I

    don't know many technical terms, so the simplest explanation possible would be


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